Pengertian dan Penjelasan tentang Expressing and Handling Complaints Beserta Contoh Dialog.
Komplain atau keluhan dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia berarti ungkapan yang keluar karena perasaan susah (karena menderita sesuatu yang berat, kesakitan, dan sebagainya). Dalam konteks bisnis Complaints atau keluhan berarti ungkapan ketidak puasan seorang pelanggan terhadap pelayanan/perlakuan seseorang terhadap pelayanan yang diberikan, baik itu berupa barang atau jasa. Complaint atau keluhan dapat disampaikan secara lisan maupun tertulis. Kali ini penulis akan membahas bagaimana cara menyampaikan keluhan atau Complaints secara lisan dalam Bahasa Inggris disertai contoh percakapannya.
Berikut adalah contoh ekspresi keluhan
How to
Express Complaints
• I’m very sorry to say this. But I’d like to
tell you that there’s something wrong with the computer I’ve bought
• Maaf karena saya mengatakan ini, saya ingin
memberitahu bahwa ada yang yang tidak beres pada komputer yang telah saya
beli kemarin.
• I bought this laptop last week and I would
like to return/exchange/refund it.
• Saya
membeli laptop ini minggu lalu dan saya ingin mengembalikannya/
menukarnya/menguangkannya kembali
• I bought this monitor 2 hours ago but it
doesn’t work well.
• Saya membeli monitor ini 2 jam yang lalu
tetapi ini tidak bekerja dengan baik.
• May I see the manager, please?
• Bolehkah saya bertemu dengan bapak manajer?
• (I’m sorry but) I think you overcharged me.
• maaf tetapi sepertinya anda menghitung
terlalu banyak atas tagihan saya.
• (I’m sorry but) I think you gave me the
wrong bill.
• maaf
tetapi sepertinya anda memberi saya tagihan yang salah.
There must be some mistakes
Pasti ada beberapa kesalahan.
• I’m very sorry but………………………
• Saya
minta maaf tetapi…………………………
Ekspresi bagaimana menangani keluhan/ complaints
How to
Handle Complaints
• What’s wrong with it?
• Apakah ada yang salah?
• What’s the matter with it?
• Apakah
ada masalah?
• Did you follow the manual in the right
• Apakah
anda sudah mengikuti petunjuk dengan benar?
• I’m terribly sorry for our mistake we’ve
• Saya
benar-benar minta maaf atas kesalahan yang telah kami buat.
• Let me call the manager for you, please wait
a moment.
• Saya akan telepon manajer untuk anda, tolong
tunggu sebentar.
• Don’t worry, we’ll send technician to fix
your computer.
• Jangan khawatir, kami akan mengirim teknisi
untuk memperbaiki komputer anda.
• We guarantee your…. Will be OK during this
• Kami jamin …. anda akan baik dalam minggu
Contoh dialog tentang expressing and handling complaints
of expressing and handling complaints:
Mr. Fadil
Good afternoon, is this Bitcom?
Marketing manager
Yes, right. You are speaking to Irawan, the
marketing manager, who is speaking please?
Mr. Fadil
This is Mr. Fadil speaking, I am from SMK Negeri 1
Marketing manager
What can I do for you Mr. Mahmud?
Mr. Fadil
I am very sorry to say this but I’d like to tell
you that there is something wrong with the computer laboratory you just
installed at my school.
Marketing manager
What’s wrong with it?
Mr. Fadil
There’s no display on the master monitor?
Marketing manager
Did you follow the manual?
Mr. Fadil
Yes, of course.
Marketing manager
Alright, we'll send our technician to SMK Negeri 1
Mr. Fadil
That’s good, but I’d like to have it ready before
holiday ends.
Marketing manager
I guarantee your computer laboratory will be okay
during this week.
Mr. Fadil
Thank you
Marketing manager
You are welcome
Latihan soal 1
Complete the following dialogue.
May I help you?
Yes, I
bought new dress here yesterday but…………………………………….
What’s the matter with it?
Thank you
PDAM Company, may I help you?
Yes, I think you’ve billed me too high
Thank you
Latihan soal 2
Express your complaint based on the following situation.
1. You just bought a new pair of sandals at Star’s Shoe Store, but when you got home and open the package one of the straps broke. Complain.
2. You just received your phone account bill from TELKOM and you are certain it is too high because you never made International phone call. Call the company and complain.
3. You bought a plane ticket to Jakarta. You were told that the flight was on July 2nd 2010 at 02.00 p.m. you went to the airport but there was no flight. Complain to the airline.
4. you are subscriber of a foreign magazine. One day, some pages of your magazine were missing. Call the magazine agent and complain.
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