Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris SMK; Integrated Reading Materials, 30 soal [12]

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris SMK; Integrated Reading Materials, 30 soal.

I   Incomplete Dialogues
Questions 1 – 30 are incomplete dialogues. Four answer marked (A),(B),(C) and (D) are given beneath each dialogue. You have to choose the best answer to complete the dialogue.

1. Nino : what bis your favorite free time activity?
       Dini : ....
       Nino : really ? so do I my favorite author is Andrea Hirata
A. I like reading novels
B. I subscribe to a newspaper
C. I usually do my homework
D. I am fond making interesting sketches.

2. Caller : Hello, can I speak to Mr.Kevin?
       Receptionist : .... Would you like to leave a message ?
A. Hold on, please
B. You dialled the wrong number
C. He is not at the moment
D. There is no one by that name

3. Ditha : why didn’t you join the school holiday program?
       Cathy : ....
A. I will join the school holiday program later
B. Well , I have to join the school holiday program
C. I didn’t have any program on holiday
D. I had to prepare myself for the university entrance test

4. Hayya : There’s cultural performance at the Australian Embassy,...
Tata :  That sound great . I’d love to see different kinds of art performances. When will you pick me up ?
A. Would you invite me ?
B. Could you send me the invitation ?
C. How about going there together ?
D. Should I inform you about it ?

5. Andy : Your performance was great last night. You are relly good at playing the piano
       Sammy : ....
A. I’ts very kind of you to say so
B. I think that’s a good idea
C. I appreciate thet you could come
D. I am on your side

6. Customer : Excuse me, waiter. I found the soup disguting. There’s a mosquito in it
       Waiter : I’m sorry, Madam .... and it’s free
       Customer :Be careful next time
A. We will change it with the new one
B. We will buy a bowl of soup
C. You still have to pay for it
D. You have to eat them all

7. Farel : Could you bring the financial report to my room this afternoon?
       Arni : Sorry, Sir ....
       Farel : Okay Bring it tommorow ,then
A. I would type it this afternoon
B. I must do another job this afternoon
C. I will do it by myself this afternoon
D. I won’t be able to finish it this afternoon

8. Marissa : Happy Earth Day, I’ts time for us to start saving the Earth.
       Daniel : that’s right .... in the right place and start recycling it
A. We should throw the garbage
B. We don’t need to care about the litter
C. We have to waste our electricity
D. We can’t ride our bicycle

9. Jodi : Why don’t you ask Toni to come along? I haven seen him for ages
       Harry : oh I’m Sorry , .....
A. He would be here if he weren’t busy with his new project.
B. He will have come if he had the time
C. He will be glad to see you if he comes
D. He would have called you if he hand’t finished the job

10. Sinta : Parent can’t force their children to be what they want them to be.
       Nani : ...... Each child has his or her own ability and talent. Parents only need to support it
A. I’m againts you
B. I’m on your side
C. I completely disagree
D. I doubt about it

11. Tourist : How far is Conrad Park from here?
       Pedestrian : if you’re on foot ,.....
A. Just turn left. There’s water park on the right.
B. Please ask me latter
C. It’s two meter long
D. It’s about ten-minute walk

12. Fita : Who doyou work for?
       Cece : A drug company. I’m in the marketing department.
       Fita : What does that involve ?
       Cece : I visit vactories and ...
A. Audit the finance report.
B. Check the quality products.
C. Show some of our products.
D. Arrange meetings.

13. Shopkeeper  : Here is the catalogue. What would you like to buy, ma’am ?
       Customer      : ...
       Shopkeeper : Let’s look at the first item in the catalogue.
A. I bought desks  and chairs.
B. I’d like to confirm about your order
C. Sorry, I don’t have the cabinets you need.
D. I’d like to order filling cabinets, desks, and chairs

14. Participant : Based on the survey, do you think Jakarta’s scrime rate will increase?
       Speaker : ... its rate tends to be serious , but in really, it is still safe to walk at night in the city.
A. Yes, the survey might say so
B. No, it may not be influenced
C. Yes, it will increase the price
D. No, Jakarta is not crowded

15. Stranger : Can you help me lift this suitcase?
       Iwan : ... Iam doing some work.
A. Sure, I can
B. I will
C. I’m sorry I can’t
D. Be my guest

Questions 16-18 refers to the following table.

Electricity from thernal sources
86,93 percent (2001 etimate)
Electricity from hydroelectric
10,52 percent (2001 etimate)
Electricity from nuclear source
0 percent (2001 etimate)
Electricity from geothernal , solar and wind source
2,55 percent (2001 etimate)
Number of radios per 1000 people
155 (1997)
Number of telephone per 1000 people
35 (2001)
Number of televisions per 1000 people
145 (2001 estimate)
Number of internet hosts per 1000 people
2,2 (2001)
Daily newspaper circulation per 1000 people
23 (1998)
Number of motor vehicles per 1000 people
25 (1998)
Paved road as a of total roads
46 percent (1999)

16. What is the table about?
A. The use of hydroelectricity and geothermal electric energy
B. The expense of energy for 1000 people for 3 years
C. The consumption of energy communication and transportation
D. The need of electronic devices and natural resource for 1000 people

17. The energy not being used is …..
A. Wind source
B. Electricity
C. Nuclear source
D. Thermal source

18. “Electricity from geothermal, solar and wind source”
The underline word has a close meaning to …
A. Sun
B. Moon
C. Kerosene
D. Gasoline

Questions 19-21 refers to the following description.

Elsie Graber
119 westwik Apt B
West hemprested MI 48230

JOB OBJECTIVE : chef in a kitchen speciaizing in French Bistro cuisine.

Research planned and created the menu that abraham van houten of hampstead press called refreshing busines in the hampstead out west
Prepared the french and cajun cuisine that made one bistro , bistro ! the 1998 silver spoon award winner

Prepared creative delicious consistenly prepared entrees for event of 300 guest and more
Created and prepared high energy fitnees oriented medals for U,S. Olympic atheles in training
Assisted and apprenticed with gournment award winner chef euphegenia McWain

Chef bistro , bistro ! west hemstead MI 2001 present
Visiting chef & baker , arlington world cup center arlington VA 2000
Assistant catering chef eupheugenia Mc Wain Elben NH 2000

19. What is the text about?
A. French cuisines
B. Job objectives
C. Work experience
D. Culinary accomplishments.

20. Who is Elsie Graber?
A. A chef
B. A baker
C. A waiter
D. A planner

21. “Assisted and apprenticed with Gourmet Award ….”
        What is the synonym of the underline word?
A. Shared
B. Helped
C. Worked
D. Learned

Questions 22-24 refers to the following procedure.

Do you want to receive your File-Medias order sooner ? try speed mail air-delivery service
Here’s how. For just fifty-eight thousand rupiahs (available in more than 85 cities in java) per order , a  File-Medias catalogue store  will guarantee overnight delivery or pay all shiping charges. Any order received by 2:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday , will be delivered the next day . orders received by 2:00 p.m Friday will be delivered the following Monday. Orders received over the weekend will be delivered the following Tuesday speedy mail cannot accomodate international shipments.

22. What is the text about?
A. Where people can send their items
B. How to place order with a catalogue store
C. When to choose delivery times with File-Medias
D. What  delivery service are available at Speedy Mail

23. When will the order be delivered if it is received late Friday afternoon?
A. On Saturday
B. On Sunday
C. On Monday
D. On Tuesday

24. How much will the customers are charged for the service?
A. 20 thousand rupiahs
B. 58 thousand rupiahs
C. 85 thousand rupiahs
D. 200 thousand rupiahs

Questions 45-47 refers to the following information.

Toyota , a city in japan , is on east central homshu island. In central aichi prefecture on the yahagi river. Toyota is the headquarters of the toyota motor corporation and is major automobile manufacturing and assembly center. As a classic company town , it has a planned layout for its sprawling. Assembly plant , office complexes and housing developments. For workers and their families . the city was fomerly named komoro meaning “clothing” and prospered from the late 19th century until the 1930 as a center of the silk industry. Its development as an automobile manufacturing center began with the opening of the first assembly plant in 1937. The city’s name was changed to toyota in 1959 after the second plant. Motomachi , was opened and population began to grow rapidly.

25. What is the main idea of the text ?
A. The history of Toyota City
B. The geographical aspect of Toyota City
C. The production of Toyota Motor Corporation
D. The families and workes of Toyota Corporation

26. What was the old name of Toyota City ?
A. Yahagi
B. Honshu
C. Koromo
D. Motomachi

27. The word ‘their’ in the sentences ‘it has a planned layout for its sprawling assembly plants office
       Complexes and housing development for workers and their families refers to
A. Workers
B. Headquarters
C. Assembly plants
D. Housing developments

Questions 28-30 refer to the following notice

The company provides a benefit pension plan covering all employees. Benefit are based on years of service on the employee’s highest salary. Both the company and the employees make contributions to the plan according to goverment regulation. Employee eligible to receive pension funds are paid monthly trought the plan.

28. What determines the rules of contributions ?
A. Years at the company and salary
B. Company profits
C. Bonuses
D. The employee
E. Starting wage

29. Who determines the rules of contributions ?
A. Managers of the benefit pension plan
B. Anyone who is eligible to receive funds
C. The company and the employee
D. The goverment
E. The vice-president

30. How often do eligible employees receive payments from the plan ?
A. Evey week
B. Every two weeks
C. Once a month
D. Once a year
E. A semester

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