Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris UN SMA; Integrated Reading materials, 35 soal [4]

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Ujian Nasional SMA


A civil servant who was walking through a small town saw a blackboard outside the front door of a school. It had been washed and put out to dry in the open air. There was a piece of chalk at the foot of the blackboard, so he took it and wrote in large letters, “I’m a civil servant and I work for you all”. A lawyer happened to pass next and when he saw what the civil servant bad written, he added under it, “I’m a lawyer and I defend you all”. Then a doctor came by, took the piece of chalk and wrote on the blackboard, “T’m a doctor and I cure you all.” Finally, an ordinary citizen stopped, looked at what others had written, thought for a few second and then added,” I’m an ordinary citizen and I pay for you all.”

1. How many people wrote on the blackboard ?
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
E. five

2. Who does write something on the blackboard for the first time ?
A. a doctor
B. a lawyer
C. a civil servant
D. an ordinary citizen
E. a student

3. “I’m a lawyer and I defend you all.”
The word printed in bold means a person who .........
A. defends someone in the court
B. defends someone from enemy
C. decides cases in a law court
D. helps cure diseases
E. helps the civil

4. What is the main idea of the text above ?
A. to describe some kinds of persons
B. to show abilities of human being
C. to show some duties of workers in the funny way
D. to give informations how describes something
E. to critize a work of art

5. The type of the text above is a/an ....
A. narration D.  decsription
B. exposition E.  anecdote
C. report


Jakarta (JP). The number of people injured in the weekend earthquake in the Central Sulawesi capital of Palu reached 26. The earthquake, measuring 5,8 in the opened Richter Scale, also damaged or destroyed hundreds of buildings. So far no deaths have been reported.
“Only 3 of the 26 injured are still being treated at a governments clinic. In the Sausu Trans village, the rest have returned home,” Mohammad Haerollah, an official of the Central Sulawesi Office of the Ministry of Social Services, told the Jakarta Pos, yesterday.
Officials at the metereology and geophysics office in Palu said earlier that the epicenter was in the Gulf of Tomini, 32 kilometers east of Palu, at a depth of 32 kilometers. The office recorded 396 tremirs between 5.30 p.m. on Saturday and 12.00 a.m. in Sunday. However, locals felt 47 of the tremors.
Antara News Agency reported on Saturday that most of the casualties were adults, injured by collapsing structures. The agency also said, that victims were mainly residents of the Sausu, Suli, Torono, and Malakosa villages.

6. This text as a whole reports ....
A. The weekend earthquake in Palu
B. The casualties at a government clinic
C. The professions of Mohammad Haerollah
D. The demaged building caused by the earthquake
E. The activities of the officials at the meterology and geo-physycs office

7. “Only 3 of the 26 injured are still being treated at a goverments clinic.” (Paragraph 2).
The underlined word may be replaced by ....
A. managed at the same way
B. negotiated with somebody
C. considered in a certain way
D. given something enjoyable
E. given medical care

8. Why are 3 of the 26 injured still may be treated ?
A. These 3 casualties were possibly badly injured
B. The casualties felt comfortable with the hospital service
C. Maybe the facilities at the clinic were complete enough
D. The injured satisfied with the doctor’s treatment at the clinic
E. These 26 casualties couldn’t stand staying in the clinic any more

9. Which statement is Truee according to the text ?
A. There were 349 tremors felt by people.
B. Some people were killed by the earthquake.
C. Sausu, Suli, Torono, and Malakosa were the worst places hit.
D. The earthquake happened in the South Sulawesi Capital of Palu.
E. An earthquake measuring 5.4 on the Richter scale rocked Palu.


It is important to read bedtime stories to children ___ both for them and for the parents. The benefits for children are well-known : reading opens up language centres in the brain in a away computer games and TV to do it : it helps get children settle, and it is important to have that one on-one attention and close phisycal contact. But parents win, too, though the chances to relax the mind and drift away with stories. Melbourne psychologist John Irvine believes parents who think they are too busy to read are missing the opportunity to end the day with their children on a good note. “You need to unpcak the day and smuggle into bed feeling all is well with the world, he says. “Books are good for parents who are tired, or feel they are not good at playing, because they tell the story.”

10. The topic of the above text is _____
A. the importance of the story telling for children.
B. why parents need to win their children’s heart.
C. the benefits of reading bedtime stories to children.
D. how parents can relax after reading for children.
E. the important of reading to children.

11. From the text we may conclude that reading bedtime stories ____
A. is an energy-consuming activity for parents.
B. helps children’s language ability.
C. makes children dependent on parents
D. causes children to be imaginative.
E. is aware of time for busy parents.

12. What is the type of the text above ?
A. Discussion
B. Explanation
C. Review
D. Hortatory exposition.
E. Analytical exposition.

13. What is the last sentences function ?
A. Conclusion
B. Solution
C. Reiteration
D. Recommendation
E. Summary

Facsimile, often called fax, is a way of transmitting texts and pictures over telephone lines. News services often use facsimile to send news, stories, and photographs to newspaper, and television stations. Banks, law firms, and other business use facsimile to send copies of document, to clients and other organizations.
A device called a facsimile machine is used for transmitting and receiving images. Facsimile machine, resemble small photocopiers. However, the are equipped with a telephone or connected to one. To send a document, the user insert it into the machine and dials the telephone number of the receiving fax machine. After the connection is made, an electronic scanner on the transmitting machine moves across the page and converts the image into a set of electric signals. These signals travel over the telephone line to the receiving fax machine. That machine converts the electric signals back into an image of the original document and then prints a copy.
Some business people use small desktop fax machines of portable models at home or when they travel. A personal computer can also be used to send and receive documents if it is equipped with a special electronic circuit board called a fax board.

14. What is the main information in the second paragraph ?
A. A facsimile machine is a small photocopier.
B. A facsimile machine is equipped with a telephone to transmit images.
C. A facsimile machine transmits and receives images.
D. A facsimile machine converts the electric signals back into an image.
E. A facsimile machine sends documnets to distant places.

15. What do you call the device in the facsimile machine that convert the image of the document into a set of electric signals ?
A. A copier
B. A converter
C. A telephone
D. An electronic scanner
E. A transmitting machine.

16. What do you need to enable your computer to send and receive documents like a fax ?
A. A fax board
B. A transmitter
C. A signal converter
D. An electronic circuit
E. An electronic scanner.

17. “Facsimile, often called fax, is a way of transmitting texts and pictures over telephone lines (Paragraph 1).
The underlined word may be replaced by ....
A. Sending D.  Translating
B. Changing E.  Connecting
C. Processing


It is commonly observed during the rainy season that water falling on roads and streets disappears after a few hours. Similarly, in summer, wet clothes dry up very soon. Do you know where this water goes ? this water gets converted into vapor. Conversion of water into vapor is called evaporation.
How does evaporation take place ? Every substance is made up of very small particles called molecules. These molecules are held together by strong forces of attraction called cohesive forces. These forces are opposed by the repulsive forces due to the motion of molecule. As long as the cohesive forces are far greater than the repulsive forces, the substance remains in the solid state. When the substance is heated up, it absorbs heat energy which the molecules area set up is heated up, it absorbs heat energy which the molecules area set up in rapid motion. This motion starts counter balancing the cohesive force. When the force exceeds the cohesive force, the molecules of the liquid become free and escape into the air. It is how the liquid is converted into vapor. The liberation of the molecule from the how the liquid surface to the air is called evaporation.
This explains the drying up process of the clothes. If the wet clothes are put under the sun, they dry up faster because at the higher temperature the motion of molecules becomes faster and the rate of evaporation increases with the rise in temperature. It takes place more rapidly when the air is dry. That is why clothes dry up more quickly on a dry day than on a damp cloudy day.

18. The suitable headline of the text above is ...
A. Do you know where this water goes ?
B. How does evaporation take place ?
C. How liquid is converted into vapor.
D. This water gets converted into vapor.
E. This explains the drying up process of the clothes.

19. Paragraph 1 is the ... of the passage.
A. Identification
B. General statement
C. Orientation
D. General classification
E. Thesis

20. What is evaporation ?
A. It is the force that separates molecules.
B. It is the motion of molecules of substance.
C. Wet clothes dry up very soon in the sun.
D. It is the conversion of water into vapor.
E. Water failing on the streets disappears after a few hours.

21. Which of the following options contains technical terms ?
A. Faster, higher, more rapidly
B. Dry day, cloudy day, dry up
C. Rainy season, summer, few hours.
D. Evaporation, molecules, cohesive forces.
E. Forces of attraction, wet clothes, liquid surface.


Charging the Battery

1. Connect the lead from the charger to the base of the phone.
2. Connect the charger to an AC wall outlet. The battery indicator bar starts scrolling. If “Not Charging” is displayed, wait for a while, disconnect the charger, plug it in again and retry, if charging still failed. Contact your dealer.
3. When the battery is fully charged, the bar stops scrolling. Disconnect the charger from the phone and the AC outlet.

22. What does the text mostly talk about ?
A. How to charge the battery
B. How to buy the battery
C. How to choose the battery
D. How to put the battery
E. How to change the battery.

23. What should we do if the charger really doesn’t work ?
A. Wait for a while
B. Connect the charger to an AC wall outlet.
C. Disconnect the charger.
D. Contact your dealer.
E. Plug it in again and retry

24. The type of the above is a/an ....
A. Anecdote D. Persuasion
B. Description E.  Procedure
C. Narration


Teacher. Missing. Mr. Waluyo, age 45, failed to return to his apartment to his apartment on Saturday night. Mr. Waluyo is 170 cm tall, weighs 50 kgs and has short black hair, he was wearing a black jacket, jeans and running shoes when last seen. Anyone who saw him please contact Nanny at 5412787 or 0812456099.

25. What does the notice tell us about ?
A. The location of Mr. Waluyo’s Apartment.
B. An introduction of a new teacher.
C. Nany, the contact person.
D. A missing person.

26. What did Mr. Waluyo look like when last seen ?
A. He was a very young man
B. He lived in a apartment
C. He wore sport shoes
D. He had long hair

27. Which statetment is NOT True according to the text ?
A. Mr. Waluyo is a teacher
B. Mr. Waluyo is overweight
C. Mr. Waluyo left his apartment
D. Mr. Waluyo disappeared on Saturday night.

28. The type of the text above is a/an ____
A. Advertisement
B. Announcement
C. Warning
D. Letter
E. Brochure.


Trust line cordially, invites you to attend a morning seminar to learn how you can predict the trends that will assist your clients with the success of their investments.
To reserve a seat, fill out the attached card and mail it with your registration fee.
Don’t miss this chance to learn about the sources that drive successful fiduciary service management firms.
For further information, please call 6769980.

29. Who would be likely to attend the seminar ?
A. A private investor
B. A manager in a not-profit organization
C. A stockbroker
D. A newspaper publisher

30. How can you join the seminar ?
A. Present this letter
B. Send a short from and payment
C. Send your business card and request
D. Call 676-9980

Following text is for questions 31 – 35

Almost half of the earth’s population lives in a tropical forest environment which cover an estimated 2000 million hectares, mostly in the developing world. The management of these forest forests is a matter of great __(31)__ for the countries in which the area __(32)__ for not only do they provide timber for lumber and paper, but also will their unique diversity of plant life serve as a renewable source of food, medicines and fuel __(33)__ they are wisely harvested. Forests also help to regulate the quality and flow of water, an __(34)__ factor in development. They are the home of farmers and hunters, and yield many __(35)__ which are used both by the local people and needed by city dwellers.

31. A.  attraction
B.  intention
C.  initiative
D.  importance
E.  reaction

32. A.  situated
B.  removed
C.  laid
D.  discovered
E.  placed

33. A.  as
B.  for
C.  if
D.  so
E.  or

34. A.  enormous
B.  efficient
C.  entire
D.  external
E.  essential

35. A.  producers
B.  products
C.  productively
D.  productivity
E.  productive

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