Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII SMA; Integrated Reading materials Disertai Kunci Jawaban, 35 soal [5]

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII SMA Disertai Kunci Jawaban, 35 Soal [5]

The following text is for questions 1-4

Gecko’s Complaint

One night a village Chief was awakened out of a deep sleep by five calls of “Geck-o, Geck-o, Geck-o, Geck-o, Geck-o.” It was, of course, Gecko, the Lizard, and he wanted to see the Chief, a wise and kind man, who received him with pleasure, even though it was the middle of the night.
Gecko was upset. For several weeks he had not been able to sleep because of Firefly. Night after night the black lightning beetle with red and yellow spots flew around and about him, glowing like sparks of fire, flashing his light into Gecko’s eyes.
The Chief, who really did not like his sleep to be disturbed either, was sympathetic. He promised to make an investigation.  He asked Gecko to come back to see him in a week or so.
The next day, the Chief called Firefly and told him about Gecko’ complaint. “Is it only Gecko you are disturbing?” he asked, “or is it possible that others are also bothered by your light flashing into their eyes?”
Firefly’ light was out now, as he spoke very humbly to the Chief. “I meant no harm, sir. In fact, I thought I was doing something good. I heard the drumming of Woodpecker as he struck  his bill on the tree trunk, and I thought it was a kulkul calling villagers to get up and gather. I was  only flashing my light to pass on the message.”
  The Chief then decided to ask Woodpecker about this. He found him and told him what Firefly had said.
  “I too was only passing on a warning, sir,” said Woodpecker. “I heard the kwak-kwak-kwak of Frog in the rice paddies, and I thought it was a warning that an earthquake was coming. So I just passed on the message.”
  Now the chief went in search of Frog, who meanwhile had heard that he would be interrogated. “The reason I was kwak-kwak-kwaking more and louder than usual,” he explained, “is that I saw Black Beetle walking down the road carrying filth, which I thought was so dirty and so unhygienic that I had to stop him.”
  “That is indeed bad,” thought the Chief. “I must speak to Beetle at once.”
  Black Beetle, plump and gleaming like polished copper, was also very humble and respectful, as he explained the situation.
  “You see, sir, Water Buffalo comes by dropping his pat in the middle of the road, and I just thought it was my duty to clean it up.”
  The Chief was now beginning to lose patience. “Tell Water Buffalo I wish to see him!” he ordered.
  When Water Buffalo appeared, he was polite, but he expressed his displeasure with Beetle’s report.
  “It is clear,” he said, “that I am not appreciated. Rain washes away all the stones in the road, and I fill up the holes. Who else does that, I ask you?”
  By this time the Village Chief was tired, but he had to hear Rain’s story. And Rain was angry.
“Complaining about ME?” he asked. “Who asks the gods for Rain, even makes offerings to them so they will send Rain? Without ME there are no mosquitoes, and if there are no mosquitoes, Gecko is hungry and unhappy. Don’t speak to me. Speak to Gecko!”
When Gecko returned to the home of the Chief as he had been requested to do, the Chief spoke to him very sternly indeed.
“Gecko, say no more. We all have our problems. Go home, and live at peace with all your neighbors!”

1. How many characters were investigated?
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7
e. 8
Jawaban : E

2. What do you learn from the story?
a. We have to be brave in delivering our complaints.
b. Being honest is not always wise.
c. It is good to be honest in life.
d. We must respect our neighbors and live peace with them.
e. We must fight for justice in our live.
Jawaban : D

3. How was the chief according to the writer?
a. Generous
b. Humorous
c. Wise
d. Mean
e. Wicked
Jawaban : C

4. The communication purpose of the text is….
a. To describe an event in the past.
b. To amuse and entertain the readers with problematic events.
c. To present information about current issue.
d. To tell the readers what really happened in the gecko’s village.
e. To inform the readers how and why something happened.
Jawaban : B

The following text is for questions 5-7

Madonna sues Manhattan co-op Board

NEW YORK – Madonna has sued the people who run her luxury co-op building overlooking Central Park, complaining they won’t let her buy a neighbor’s apartment.
Madonna claims in court papers that the co-op’s board of directors wrongfully blocked her purchase of the seventh-floor apartment at 1 W.64th Street on the Upper West Side. The Material Girl actress, who already owns a large apartment in the building, is asking the court to let the sale go through and award her legal fees, according to a noticed filed Wednesday in Manhattan’s State Supreme Court. The 49-year old singer moved into the building after she was rejected by the board at the Ritzy San Remo co-op in 1985 presently home to U2 frontman, Bono.
Midboro management Inc., the company that manages the west 64th Street building, refused to give comments on the dispute, and the co-op board president did not answer a call Friday for comment.

5. Who own the apartment building at the Ritzy San Remo now?
a. Bono
b. Madonna
c. Manhattan co-op
d. Midboro Management Inc.
e. The Material Girl Actress
Jawaban : A

6. Why did Madonna sue the Manhattan Co-op Board? Because….
a. She wanted to sell the seventh-floor apartment at 1W.64th Street
b. They sold the apartment at 1W.64th Street to Bono
c. They prevent her for buying the apartment at Upper West Side
d. They rejected Madonna at the Ritzy San Remo in 1985
e. Midboro Management Inc. managed the 1W.64th Street building wrongfully
Jawaban : C

7. “The company that manages at 1W.64th Street building refused to give the comments on the dispute….”
The sentences above means….
a. They keep silence to the press
b. They prosecuted Madonna on court
c. They rejected Madonna’s sue
d. They sold the building at the Ritzy San Remo to Bono
e. They complained about Madonna’s sue
Jawaban : A

The following text is for questions 8-11

Official name : Union of Myanmar
Capital : Yangon
Area : 678,500 sq. km
Population : >47 million
Literacy rate : 95,75% (by 2005)
Religion : Buddhism, Christianity, Muslims, and Hinduism
Head of State : Senior General Tan Shwe
Prime minister : General Soe Win
Foreign minister : Nyan Win
Currency : Kyat
Location : Bordering Bangladesh, India, China, Laos, and Thailand
Major industries : Agro-based, wood-based, textiles, heavy industries, and steel
Major exports : Rice teak, beans, and pulses, rubber, coffee, minerals, and gems
Major imports : Tillers, tractors, fertilizer, diesel fuel, cement, dumpers, loaders, and spare parts, and water pumps.

8. What is the purpose of the text above?
a. To describe the basic facts of Myanmar to the readers
b. To persuade the readers to come to union of Myanmar
c. To inform about how to own major industries in Myanmar
d. To explain how to export commodities to Myanmar
e. To tell the major products from Myanmar to the readers
Jawaban : A

9. The topic of above text is…
a. The geography of Myanmar
b. The major commodities of Myanmar
c. The best way to deal with export import in Myanmar
d. The policy in Union of Myanmar
e. The basic facts of Myanmar
Jawaban : E

10. The following are the major imports of Myanmar, except…
a. Cement
b. Loaders
c. Tillers
d. Fertilizers
e. Rubber
Jawaban : E

11. The above text is in the form of a / an…
a. Report
b. Description
c. Discussion
d. Analytical exposition
e. Hortatory exposition
Jawaban : B

The following text is for questions 12-15

It is good news that the Graft Eradication Commission has resolved to eradicate graft at the religious Affairs Ministry, which, according to the Finance and Development Supervisory Board (BPKP), is the most corrupt ministry in the country. Reportedly, a middle ranking official at the ministry can become very wealthy and afford to drive a BMW to office.
The recent cancellation of haj pilgrimages for 30,000 would-be pilgrims must have been God’s way of showing the graft at the ministry. These 30,000 would-be haj pilgrims have been cheated by the religious affairs minister.
The commission must take a swift action to prevent more leakage on the state budget done by some corrupt officers in this ministry.

12. How does the writer feel about the Graft Eradication Commission commitment to eradicate graft at the Religious Affairs Ministry?
The writer feels…
a. Sad
b. Happy
c. Surprised
d. Disappointed
e. bored
Jawaban : D

13. Which statement is not true based on the text?
a. The Religious Affairs Ministry is the most corrupt ministry in the country.
b. Middle rank officers in the religious ministry can be very rich.
c. There was cancellation of haj pilgrimage.
d. The religious Affairs Ministry has taken care the pilgrimage professionally.
e. The writer suggests that a swift action need to be taken over the leakage in the ministry.
Jawaban : D

14. “….the Graft Eradication Commission has resolved to eradicate graft at the religious Affairs Ministry.”
The underlined word has almost the same meaning as….
a. Stop
b. Generate
c. Disseminate
d. Substitute
e. Destroy
Jawaban : E

15. The organization of the text above consists of….
a. Issue  arguments for (+) – argument against (-) – conclusion
b. Thesis – arguments – reiteration
c. Thesis – arguments – recommendation
d. General statement – a sequence of explanation – closing
e. General classification – description
Jawaban : C

The following text is for questions 16-18


Sending an Indonesian woman to participate in the world beauty pageant always provokes a controversy. Nevertheless, for several times, Yayasan Putri Indonesia still insists on sending Putri Indonesia to the Miss Universe competition.
Some people consider that Miss Universe competition is not in line with Indonesian culture. What most Indonesian people concern is the fact that the competition requires each contestant to wear a swimsuit and walk through the catwalk in a session called swimsuit contest. This matter is still extremely unacceptable in Indonesia culture.
On the contrary, many people argue that being a miss universe is something that can be really proud of. Miss Universe possesses the righteous mission: making more people aware of the problems in the world. What Yayasan Putri Indonesia is doing should be appreciated and perceived as one of the efforts to put Indonesians take part in international community.
` Nevertheless, I believe that it is still not about time for Indonesia women to take part in The Miss Universe Contest.

16. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To persuade the readers about the importance of joining a beauty pageant.
b. To retell the event of the beauty pageant.
c. To describe the beauty pageant.
d. To present two opposing opinions about beauty pageant.
e. To explain the advantages of joining the beauty pageant.
Jawaban : D

17. What is the last paragraph called?
a. Reorientation
b. Reiteration
c. Conclusion
d. Resolution
e. Source
Jawaban : B

18. The following statements are true based on the text, except….
a. Joining Miss Universe Contest is still very controversial in Indonesia.
b. Yayasan Putri Indonesia strongly demands to send Putri Indonesia to the Miss Universe competition.
c. Some people object to one of requirements in Miss Universe Contest.
d. Sending Putri Indonesia to Miss Universe Contest gives both advantages and disadvantages.
e. People finally give their approval about sending Putri Indonesia to Miss Universe Contest.
Jawaban : E

The following text is for questions 19-23

Most people think that dust is very harmful to us. But this is not true. Dust is, in fact, very useful, and therefore, it is essential to know what dust is and how it is formed.
Every solid substance is composed of very small particles. When these small particles of matter are scattered, they become dust particles. For example, if we go on breaking a brick or a stone into small pieces, it will turn into small particles. These particles get mixed with air and they are called dust particles. The air then carries dust particles from one place to another.
There are different ways by which dust is formed. When solid substance breaks, dust is formed. Smoke generated by the burning of coal, wood, petrol, and so on also produces dust. Dust particles also come from dead plants, sea salt, desert, volcanic sand and so on. The particles of the earth’s surface also fly in the air in the form of dust.
The biggest use of the dust particles is that they help formation of the rains. The water vapors in the clouds condense on the dust particles in the form of water-drops. These drops fall on the earth as rains. The absence of dust particles can delay the rain. Likewise, mists, fog, and so on are also formed due to the presence of dust particles.

19. Paragraph 1….
a. Informs what dust is
b. Introduce the participant
c. Describe how dust is formed
d. Explain that dust is not useless
e. Describes how mot people think about dust
Jawaban : D

20. What is every solid substance made of?
a. Very small particles
b. Small piece of matters
c. Scattered dust particles
d. Dust particles mixed with air
e. The particles of the earth’s surface
Jawaban : A

21. How can a stone become dust?
a. When dust is formed.
b. When it is burned.
c. When it flies in the air.
d. When it gets mixed with air.
e. When it goes on breaking into very small particles.
Jawaban : E

22. How can dust move from one place to another?
a. Smoke carries it.
b. Smoke generates it.
c. It carries the air.
d. It goes on breaking.
e. The air carries it.
Jawaban : C

23. The following statement is false according to the text, except…
a. Dust particles are the most useful.
b. The presence of dust particles can delay the rain.
c. Rain drops do not contain dust particles
d. Dust particles help the formation of the rain.
e. Dust particles are formed as soon as the sun sets.
Jawaban : E

The following text is for questions 24-26

We are announcing today that we are bringing the Milestone and Ever Green brands even closer together. Effective December 5th , 2009, our official name will be:
The substitution of “West” in our name---replacing “California”---is the result of an agreement we reached with the California Gardening Association, following a protest over the original use of “California” in our name.
We hope this not create any confusion among our loyal customer. While this represents a change from our initial name introduction, it does not change the quality product we offer our customers.

24. What was the original name of the merged companies?
a. Milestone
b. Green Miles California
c. Green Miles West
d. Milestone California
e. Milestone West
Jawaban : B

25. According to the text, why was the name changed?
a. The corporate offices were relocated.
b. There was a conflict with another organization.
c. They did not like with the initial choice.
d. Loyal consumers were confused.
e. The name is the result of an agreement.
Jawaban : E

26. The above text is in the form of a / an…
a. Explanation
b. Announcement
c. Advertisement
d. Brochure
e. Message
Jawaban : B

The following text is for questions 27-29

The Ant Bully (Animation/Comedy, 82 minutes)

Featuring the voices of Julia Roberts, Nicholas Cage, Meryl Streep, Paul Giamatti, and Zach Tyler Elsen, Directed by John A. Davis.
A story is based on John Nickel’s book about Lucas Nickel (Zach Tyler Eisen). This 10-year-old boy is being terrorized by a neighborhood bully and takes out his anger on an anthill in his front lawn – until he is shrunk by an ant wizard and learns much about life in the colony of ant. It is very sophisticated, imaginative, and moralistic.
27. The text above is a / an...
a. Report
b. Review
c. Discussion
d. Explanation
e. Description
Jawaban : B

28. The Ant Bully is not only… but also …
a. A romance – a comedy film
b. Imaginative – sophisticated
c. Moralizing – romantic
d. Animated – scientific
e. Based on John Nickel’s book – John Nickel’s lives
Jawaban : B

29. The communicative purpose of the text above is…
a. To persuade the readers to see the artworks
b. To present information and opinions about the current issue
c. To critique the artwork for a public audience
d. To tell the readers how to do something
e. To explain the readers how and why something occurs
Jawaban : C

The following text is for question 30-31

225 languages
The only full services International book supplier in North America.
Global Publishing Services on World Trade Center.
Suite 3007 Renaissance Plaza Detroit, Michigan.
Phone : 313-555-9808
Fax :313-555-9800

30. What is being offered?
a. translation services
b. offices supplies
c. Vacation to Africa
d. Books in many languages
e. Translator
Jawaban : D

31. What feature of the company is mentioned in the text?
a. Its multilingual staff
b. Its complete service
c. Its fax number
d. Its price
e. Its languages
Jawaban : E

32. The above text is in the form of a / an…
a. Explanation
b. Announcement
c. Advertisement
d. Brochure
e. Message
Jawaban : C

The following text is for question 33-35
Class registration begins July 11. And classes begin July 18. If you 33_______ for a class after July 17 you will have to pay a Rp 250,000 late registration fee. You will have to have a signed permission letter from the course instructor if you sign up for an advanced level class. If a class 34______ due to the low enrollment, the university will contact you. We recommend that you provide your phone number and e-mail address on your course selections is no longer available. We cannot 35_______ you if we don’t have this information. Our staff is not responsible for searching for you in a directory.

33. a.  register
 b. to register
  c. will register
  d.  is going to register
e. registered
Jawaban : A

34. a.  cancels
  b. is cancelled
c. will cancel
  d. be canceled
e. cancellation
Jawaban : B

35. a.  contact
  b. enroll
  c. instruct
  d. recommend
e. postpone
Jawaban : A

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