Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris UN SMK; Integrated Reading Materials, 35 Soal Disertai Kunci Jawaban. [2]

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Ujian Nasional SMK Disertai dengan Kunci Jawaban. 

Listening Section


Reading Section


Questions 16-30 are incomplete dialogues.
Five choices marked A, B, C, or D  are given beneath each dialogue. You have to choose the one that best completes the dialogues.

16. Fiona : Excuse me, How could I get to the library please?
Deny : ...
A. I’m new in town.
B. The library is our new building.
C. The library opens at 09:00 a.m.
D. It is two blocks from here. You can’t miss it.
Jawaban : D

17. Emmy : I heard that you spent your vacation in Bandung.
Agustin : Yeah, I visited my sister. She works and lives there.
Emmy : ...
Agustin : She is a teller in a bank.
A. What does she do?
B. Where is her office?
C. How does she go to work?
D. Does she live near her office?
Jawaban : A

18. Customer : ...
Clerk : I’m sorry. They are sold out, but we still have some for the eight thirty show.
Customer : Fine, if that’s all I can get.
A. I’d like two tickets for the six o’clock show, please.
B. I’d like to have two hamburger with extra cheese, please.
C. I’d like to make reservation for six people, please.
D. I’d like to order some fries and coke, please.
Jawaban : A

19. Vina : I see that you have a lot of mug collection. ...
Handi : Yes, I am interested in collecting mugs, coins, matches, and perfume bottles.
  I like them very much.
A. Is it interesting?
B. Is it your hobby?
C. What is your hobby?
D. What do you like to do?
Jawaban : B

20. Receptionist : Good afternoon. Adya Graha Hotel. What can I do for you, ma’am?
Caller : Hello. Could someone pick me up at the airport at 01.00 p.m. tomorrow? I have booked for room 316 in your hotel. My name is Grania.
Receptionist : ...
A. Yes, ma’am, I’m happy to hear it.
B. No, ma’am, we are busy at the moment.
C. Certainly, ma’am. We’ll make it for you.
D. Please forgive me, I don’t know about it.
Jawaban : C

21. Cinta : What happened with your cell-phone?
Andra : I broke it down into pieces when ....
A. I walk down the street to school
B. I was running for a bus to school
C. I am riding my motorcycle to school
D. I am on my way back home from school
Jawaban : B

22. Guest : Hello. There is no mineral water in my room. The water jug is empty.
Receptionist : ...
A. Yes, ma’am. We’ll send someone to refill it at once.
B. Please bring it to the kitchen, ma’am.
C. Right away. You can go to the lobby.
D. It should be full, ma’am.
Jawaban : A

23. Bachy : I’m going to have an exam tomorrow. ... I can’t concentrate.
Fery : Sure.
A. Don’t be lazy.
B. Please switch on the fan.
C. Can you turn off the TV?
D. Why don’t you open the door?
Jawaban : C

24. Student : Excuse me, ma’am. My spoken English is not good. What do you suggest?
Teacher : Well, ....
A. take some writing test
B. read some English newspapers
C. practice it a lot with your friends
D. buy a good English - English dictionary
Jawaban : C

25. Fadhil : Where is Vincent? It is already 07.30 but he hasn’t come yet.
Rico : He told me that he would come. Just wait. ...
Fadhil : Ok. Can we open the meeting while waiting for him?
Rico : All right.
A. We will leave him soon.
B. He cannot attend the meeting.
C. The meeting should start on time.
D. He may be trapped in a traffic jam.
Jawaban : D

26. Citra : We could be late arriving at the train station. How about taking a taxi?
Hari : I don’t think so. ... but there are seven us.
A. It has a good driver
B. It can only load 4 passengers
C. It can take us to the station
D. It has more space for us to ride
Jawaban : B

27. Ussie : Our class will plan to have a camping. ...
Trissa : Of course. It must be interesting.
A. Would you collect the fire woods?
B. Could you inform the departure to your parents?
C. Would you like to join?
D. Could I arrange the plan schedule with them?
Jawaban : C

28. Linda : I won the first prize for the dancing contest last night.
Liony : ...
Linda : Thanks.
A. That’s great!
B. That’s embarrassing!
C. How dare you!
D. What a small prize!
Jawaban : A

29. Yanti : I wish ... the decision maker here.
Yanto : What would you do?
Yanti : I would raise the salary of employees 200%.
A. I could be
B. I were
C. l am
D. I would be
Jawaban : B

30. Lati : How much do you pay for your study every month?
Hasan : A hundred and fifty thousand rupiahs.
Latif : Really? That’s a lot of money.
Hasan : ... As you know, vocational schools are concerned with skills. We need to practice a lot and it takes a lot of money.
A. I don’t think so.
B. I think you’re good.
C. Please don’t bother.
D. Don’t mention it.
Jawaban : A


In questions 31 – 35, each sentence has four words or phares underlined. The four underlined words are marked A, B, C, and D. You have to identify the underlined words or phrases that should be corrected or rewritten

31. My cousin is very beautiful. She has big eyes and short hair. She is likes her mother.
                                                      A         B           C
Everybody admires her very much.

Jawaban : A,  She looks like

32. Student : Sir, we have finished doing the test. Will we leave the room?
                                                     A                     B
Teacher : Surely, not. Wait till the time’s over.
                    C                D

33. Student : What do you think I should do after graduating from vocational school?
                                       A   B
Teacher : I think being an entrepreneur is good than  working in a company.
                                                                      C D

34. I lost the cassette whom I bought yesterday. 1 had looked for it everywhere
   A                           B    C
but I could not find it.
35. Viona : Do you want to a glass of lemonade, Jeff?
             A            B                     C
Helena : Just some ice water, please.


Questions 36 – 50 are based on a selection of reading materials. You have to choose the best answer A, B, C or D to each question.

Questions 36 and 37 are based on the following memo.

FROM : Mr.A.Busse
SENT. : 10:15A.M. Monday, April 10,2006
TO : Sales Staff
CC : Mr. D. Off and Ms. R. Fowler
SUBJECT : Annual Meeting

I am writing to remind you that our annual meeting  will be on Tuesday, April 18. I want everyone to be ready with ideas, strategies, and sales forecast for next year. I will be out of town attending a conference on the new products of LCD projectors in' Osaka,Wednesday and Thursday. Remember that next Monday is a-holiday. Therefore, should you have something urgent to discuss, please see me on Friday, April 14.
Thank you.

36. Why did Mr. Busse write the letter?
A. To tell them about the new products of LCD.
B. To remind the sales staff about their annual meeting.
C. To discuss something very urgent about a conference.
D. To ask Mr. Off and Ms. Fowler to see him on Friday, April 14
Jawaban : B

37. What might the sales staff do after reading the letter? They might ...
A. plan how to spend the extended weekend
B. display the new products of LCD projectors
C. see Mr. Busse before he leaves for the conference
D. think about strategies and sales forecast for next
Jawaban : D

Questions 38 to 40 refer to the following text.

Learning English as a foreign language is sometimes interchanged with learning English as a second language. Indonesian, Thai, and Japanese learn English as a foreign language, because the people have their own official language that is Indonesian, Thai, and Japanese respectively. In big cities in Indonesia, people speak Indonesian at home, in the shops and at schools whereas in small towns or in villages people speak Indonesian and vernaculars (Javanese, Balinese, Batak, etc.) interchangeably. They speak English only at schools in their English classrooms.
The Philippines has adopted English as a second language.' English is an official language in the Philippines for a different reason. The Philippines had been under successive foreign colonization, first Spanish and then American, for a long time. Even nowadays Spanish is still being taught in many high schools in Manila. In the Philippines people speak Tagalog mostly at home and English mostly outside, in the same way as the Indonesians living in Central or East Java speak Javanese at home and Indonesian outside. English has become an official language and a medium of instruction at schools. Even at kindergarten children speak English for communication. No wonder most people from the Philippines are very fluent in English.

38. What is the text about? .
A. How to be fluent in English.
B. How to make English as a second language.
C. Learning English in the classroom at schools.
D. Learning English as a foreign language and a second language.
Jawaban : D

39. What is the synonym of the word 'interchanged'?
(Paragraph 1 line 1)
A. Moved
B. Changed
C. Exchanged
D. Distinguished
Jawaban : C

40. Why are most people from the Philippines fluent in English? Because ...
A. English is the first foreign language
B. The Philippines speak English very well
C. English is the medium of instruction at schools
D. The country had been under successive foreign colonization
Jawaban : C

Questions 41 and 42are based on the following


Home Theaters aren't just for movie moguls anymore. With a big-screen television, DVD player and surround sound-system, you can live like you're one of the rap stars on "MTV Cribs." But you don't need to take out a second mortgage to get the cinematic experience. There are packages to fit every budget.
Television is the heart of your system. The bigger the TV is better, but don't empty your pockets while overwhelming the room with a TV that is just too large. Generally, for a 10-foot-by-10-foot room, a 27- inch screen is fine; if you watch a lot of movies on DVD, you should consider a wide screen set. A high quality DVD player is also important. Look for one that uses "progressive scanning," which displays a sharper image on TVs that support it.

41. According to the reading, what is the most important part of a home theater?
A. Television.
B. MTV Cribs:
C. DVD Players.
D. A 10-foot-by-l0-foot room.
Jawaban : A

42. What does the word "mortgage" mean?
A. Social support
B. Mental support
C. Physical support
D. Financial support
Jawaban : D

Questions 43-45 refer to the following announcement!

Police are trying to locate Miss Elsie Pearson, age 70, who disappeared from Kurnia’s Home for the Elderly on Wednesday night. Miss Pearson is 165 centimeters tall, weighs 100 kilograms, and has short brown hair. She wears thick glasses, has a light complexion, and brown eyes. When last seen she was wearing a short blue jacket, brown slack and black shoes.

43. What is the announcement about?
A. A missing person.
B. A police’s research.
C. Kurnia’s Home for ederly.
D. Miss Pearson’s appearance.
Jawaban : A

44. How is Miss Pearson’s appearance?
A. She’s overweight.
B. She’s ideal weight.
C. She’s slim.
D. She’s Tiny.
Jawaban : A

45. Which statement is true about Miss Pearson?
A. She is an old lady.
B. She was wearing a blue dress.
C. She has brown hair and black eyes.
D. She left Kurnia’s home in the morning.
Jawaban : A

Questions 46-50 refer to the following schedule!

To Yogyakarta
Direct Flight:

Airlines Flight No. Frequency Departure Arrival
Garuda Indonesia GA Daily 06:30 07:35
Garuda Indonesia GA Daily 09:30 10:35
Garuda Indonesia GA Daily 11:30 12:45
Garuda Indonesia GA Daily 14:30 15:45
Garuda Indonesia GA Daily 17:30 18:45
Garuda Indonesia GA Daily 19:30 20:45
Sempati Air SG Daily 08:45 09:35
Sempati Air SG Daily 15:45 16:50
SempatiAir SG Daily 17:45 18:45
Merpati Nusantara MZ Daily 15:15 14:15
Bouraq Indonesia BO Daily 16:35 17:35

46. How many airlines have direct flights from Jakarta to Yogyakarta?
A. Four
B. Five
C. Ten
D. Eleven
Jawaban : A

47. How often does the direct flight from Jakarta to Yogya run?
A. Everyday
B. Twice a week
C. Twice a day
D. Every week
Jawaban  : A,  annual

48. How long does it take from Jakarta to Yogyakarta by Bouraq Indonesia Airlines?
A. One hour
B. Two hours
C. Three hours
D. Four hours
Jawaban : A

49. The word ‘arrival’ in the text has a similar meaning to the word:
A. Flying
B. Coming
C. Leaving
D. Taking off.
Jawaban : B

50. The word ‘departure’ in the text has a similar meaning to the word:
A. Going away
B. Following
C. Landing
D. Putting off
Jawaban : A

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