Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII SMA; Integrated Reading materials Disertai Kunci Jawaban, 35 soal [3]

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII SMA Disertai Kunci Jawaban, 35 Soal [3]


Once, a cap seller was passing through a jungle. He was dead tired. He needed rest urgently. He spread a cloth under a tree and began to rest. He placed his bag of caps near him ang lay down with cap on his head.
The cap seller had a sound sleep for one hour. Then suddendly got up. The first thing he did was to have a look at his bag of caps near him and lay down with a cap on his head.
The cap seller had a sound sleep for one hour. Then he suddently got up. The first thing he did was to have a look at his bag. He was at first starled when he found all his caps missing, though the bag was intact. He thought the bag and thought  but could  not understand where the caps could have gone. Indeed, he was greatly puzzled.
All of a sudden, he looked toward the sky. In the branches of the tree he asaw several monkeys. Each of them was wearing a cap on his head. Evidently, they had seen the cap seller wearing a cap and had imiated him.
He decided to get his caps back by making a humble request to them. In return, the monkeys only made faces at him. Then, he began to gesticulate. They too began to do the same. He even raised his fist towards them as if to threaten them. They only imiated him.
He began to think. At last he hit upon a clever idea. “Monkeys are great imitator,” he tought. So, he took off his own cap and threw it down on the ground. All the monkeys followed suit instantaneously. He stoof up and collected all his caps, put them into his bag and went away.

1. What did the seller finally do to get his caps back?
A. He took off his own cap and threw it down on the ground.
B. He threw the monkeys with stones.
C. He pretended to sleep again.
D. He threw the monkeys with his own cap.
E. He threw his bag down on the ground.
Jawaban : A

2. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A. A cap seller had slept for one hour under a tree.
B. A cap seller found that all his caps were stolen by monkeys.
C. A cap seller got all his caps back.
D. Cap seller was dead.
E. The monkeys imitated what the cap seller did.
Jawaban : D

3. “He was starled when he found all his caps missing, though the bag was intact.”
The italicized word means …..
A. Lost D.  empty
B. Broken E.  complete
C. Dirty
Jawaban : E

4. The communicative purpose of this text is …..
A. to describe about cap and monkey
B. to persuade the readers to avoid monkey
C. to tell the readers about the struggle of a cap seller to get his caps back
D. To criticize a work of art
E. To inform the readers how to deal with monkey
Jawaban : C


Before the fall of the Berlin wall, East Berlin was like the rest of East Germany-drab and depressed. Today it is a different story. There are over 40 major construction project underway and investments in new construction are expected to exceed $ 20 billion. Part of this boom can be attributed to the fact that national government of Germany will move to Berlin. The city will once again be Germany’s leading city and a gateway to the expanding markets in Poland, Czech Republic, and other countries aest of the German border.

5. How was East Berlin before the fall of the Berlin wall ?
A. Beautiful and nice
B. Modern and Interesting
C. Leading and expanding
D. Sophisticated and good
E. Dull and uninteresting
Jawaban : E

6. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the text?
A. The government of Germany has been moved to Berlin
B. East Berlin has change after the collapse of the Berlin wall
C. Before the fall of the Berlin wall, East Berlin was the center of Germany
D. Before the fall of the Berlin wall. East Berlin was the center of Germany
E. There are not more than 40 major construction project in East Berlin
Jawaban : B

7. “ …. Investment in new construction are expected to exceed $ 20 billion.”
The underlined word is close in meaning to ….
A. Known D.  completed
B. Predicted E.  expanded
C. Calculated
Jawaban : E

8. What changes happen to East Berlin after the fall of the Berlin wall?
A. It’s developing to become a leading city of Germany
B. It will become one of the richest cities in Germany
C. It’s now the center of the country’s government
D. It will be the biggest city in the world
E. It has become a state city
Jawaban : A


Today, finding Indonesian food in the United States is no longer a problem, as there is already a plethora of restaurants dedicated to the cuisine in a number of states.
In New York, five Indonesian restaurants are scattered through Manhattan, Quenens and Brookyn. Placed like Borobudur Café and Upijaya offer Indonesian food with the latter specializing in Padang cuisine.
In Philadelphia, there is Indonesian restaurant. The restaurant offers a wide range selestion of authentic Indonesian food, serving up to 119 items on the menu.
Other states like California and Ohio are also home to Indonesian restaurants. Many of those that live far from them travel to where they are located.

9. The text tells us about …..
A. Indonesian food
B. Indonesian restaurants
C. A problem to find Indonesian food in the United States
D. Padang cuisine
E. Indonesian food in the United States
Jawaban : E

10. Where can we find the Indonesian restaurant that specializing in Padang cuisine?
A. New York
B. Philadelphia
C. Upi Jaya
D. Borobudur Café
E. Brooklyn
Jawaban : A

11. “The restaurant offers a wide range selection of authentic Indonesia food, serving up to 119 items on menu. The italicized word means….
A. Pure D.  imitative
B. Genuine E.  tasty
C. Delicious
Jawaban : B

12. What is the main idea of the text above ?
A. To show how Indonesian restaurant is found
B. To tell about Indonesian restaurant in USA
C. To expose some Indonesian restaurant in USA
D. To give information some steps to make Indonesia restaurant.
Jawaban : B

13. What is the kind of the text above ?
A. narration D.  procedure
B. description E.  anecdote
C. exposition
Jawaban : B

All planes need air pressure under their wings to stay up in the air. As they move forward, the higher air pressure upward and gives then lift.
The smooth, streamlined shape of the plane allows the air to flow easily over it surface. This helps to reduce the drag caused by the air pushing against the plane and allows it to move rapidly through the air.
Planes move forward using engines. This movement is, called thrust. Moving forward keeps a stream of moving air passing over the wings. If the engines fail, the plane will begin to descend very quickly.
The air above the wings moves faster, so it is at a lower pressure than the air under the wings.
The air under the wings moves more slowly and is slightly squashed, so it is at a higher pressure than the air above the wings.

14. What does the text describe ?
A. How the wings of a plane work.
B. How the plane moves forward.
C. How the plane is made.
D. The engine of a plane.
E. How a plane flies.
Jawaban : A

15. The plane stay up in the air when ……
A. a stream of moving air passes over their wings.
B. there is air pressure under their wings.
C. the wings move forward.
D. the engines move faster.
E. the engines fail.
Jawaban : B

16. “This help to reduce the drag caused by the air pushing against the plane and allows it to move rapidly through the air.” (paragraph 2). The underlined word can be replaced by …….
A. Slowly D.  gradually
B. Quickly E.  immediately
C. Smoothly
Jawaban : B

17. What is the use of air pressure under the plane’s wings ?
A. To go down
B. To keep moving
C. To squash the wings
D. To stay up in the air
E. Reduce their weight
Jawaban : D


A heat wave that struck Europe last month killed 112 people in France, on Thursday, many of them were elderly. Of the people whose deaths were attributed to the sweltering temperatures in France, 66 of them were age 75 or up. French officials said, “This year people must be more careful to avoid a repeat of the summer of 2003, when 15.000 people, most of them elderly, died of heat related causes.”

18. Why suffered a lot from the heat wave ?
A. Young people
B. Old people
C. Children
D. Women
E. Teenagers
Jawaban : B

19. Why were the French officials said that people must be careful about this year heat wave ?
A. Because the present condition is better.
B. Because the present condition is worse than that in 2003.
C. Because in 2003 more people had died.
D. Because they didn’t want more people die
E. Because they were responsible for the citizen’s safety.
Jawaban : D

20. “Of the people whose deaths were attributed to the sweltering temperatures …. “
The underlined word has almost the same meaning as the word ….
A. Due to
B. Comply with
C. Associate with
D. In response to
E. For the sake of
Jawaban : A

21. What is the newsworthy event of text 7 ?
A. French officials said “This year people must be more careful to avoid a repeat of the summer of 2003.”
B. A heat wave that struck Europe last month killed 112 people in France on Thusday, many of them were elderly.
C. Of the people whose deaths were attributed to the sweltering temperatures in France, 66 of them were age 75 or up.
D. Many of them were elderly.
E. When 15.000 people, most of them elderly, died of head related causes.
Jawaban : B


I personally believe that libraries are among humanity’s most important institutions for several reasons.
Firstly, most of humanity’s collective knowledge is stored in libraries. Secondly, libraries protect and preserve this knowledge. They also classify of group the materials into logical and easily available divisons.
Furthermore, libraries make the materials available to everyone and even provide librarians to help us find what we need.
Finally, libraries are our link to the past and our gift to the future.
From the facts above. I conclude that libraries are important institutions for humanity.

22. Libraries are among humanity’s most important institutions for ……. Reasons.
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
E. five
Jawaban : D

23. Libraries also classify or group the materials into logical and available divisions ….. readers can find the materials easily.
A. it
B. because
C. after
D. however
E. therefore
Jawaban : E

24. “Libraries are our link to the past and our gift to the future.” This means that we ….. to the past and the future by the libraries.
A. is linked
B. was linked
C. were linked
D. are linked
E. am linked
Jawaban : D

25. What do you call the text above ?
A. Analytical exposition
B. Hoctatory exposition
C. Discussion
D. Explanation
E. Review
Jawaban : A

26. The organizations of the text 5 is ?
A. thesis – arguments – reiteration
B. thesis – arguments – recommendation
C. general statement – a sequence of explanations – closing
D. identification – description
E. general classification – description
Jawaban : A

27. “From the facts above, I conclude that libraries are important institutions for humanity. The last paragraph of the text is called the ……
A. orientation
B. re-orientation
C. thesis
D. arguments
E. reiteration
Jawaban : E


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28. The text above is a kind of ……
A. Announcement D.  Instructin
B. Advertisement E.  Tips
C. News Item
Jawaban : A

29. What is the topic of the above ?
A. “Chevy rendezvous”
B. Chevy Radio
C. Lexy and Febri
D. The hosts of the program
E. FM 103.7
Jawaban : A


8:00-8:45 Brkfs, meeting with accountants
8:30 Prepare for sales meeting
9:00 Greet sales staff / coffee
9:30 Meeting starts
11:00 Break
11:30 Meeting
1:00 Lunch

What is a features of this person’s day ?
A. Breakfast with the sales staff
B. Lunch at noon
C. The day off
D. A full morning
E. Enjoy
Jawaban : D

Following text for questions 31 – 35 !

A few years a shortage, of natural gas drove prices sky high. Likewise, gasoline prices rose when demands ____ (31) ____ supplies. A large supply in the oil market drove prices back down. The ____ (32) ____ of supply and demand functioned according to the textbook description in the case of oil, but the ____ (33) ____ is different in the current natural gas market. Natural gas consumers are finding their heating bills more a burden than last year, ____ (34) ____ a dramatic increase in supplies. There is so much natural gas available that many suppliers are closing down their plants for lack of a market, and it is ____ (35) ____ that some suppliers are even burning off surplus gas now.

31. A.  weakened
B. exceeded
C. descended
D. increased
E. exaggerated
Jawaban : B

32. A.  principle
A. scale
B. subject
C. law
D. arrangement
Jawaban : C

33. A.  situation
B. periode
C. requirement
D. influence
E. environment
Jawaban : A

34. A.  whereas
B. therefore
C. as long as
D. in order to
E. in spite of
Jawaban : A

35. A.  predicted
B. insured
C. rumored
D. assumed
E. hoped
Jawaban : C

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