Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris UN SMK; Integrated Reading Materials, 35 soal [4]


Questions 1- 15 are incomplete dialogues.
Four choices marked A, B, C, or D  are given beneath each dialogue. You have to choose the one that best completes the dialogues

1. Mica : what short of hobbies do you have?
Fadia : ..... I’am a creative person and like doing things with my hands.
A. I like reading. C. I like arts and crafts.
B. I like socialising with my friends. D. I like sport game.

2. Mr. Arda : Good morning Sky Air. How Can I help You?
Fahira : ......
A. I’d like to book a flight to paris for next week.
B. I don’t need you help.
C. I want your help, please
D. I’d like  to bring my suitcase.

3. Ryan : ......
Crist : I had an accident yesterday, so I can’t walk fast.
A. What happened with your arm?
B. What are you doing ?
C. What happened with your leg ?
D. You look so bad.

4. Beny : ........
Harlin : I’d love to , but i have appointment with a friends tomorrow.
A. I’ll go to the fine art exhibition.
B. The fine art exihition is great.
C. Yesterday i came to the fine art exhibition with a friend.
D. Would you be interested in coming to the fine art exhibition with me tomorrow?

5. Zumy : .... Sherina is singing beautifully
Vitra : Yeah, two thumbs up for her.
A. Its the worst music concert I’ve ever seen.
B. The concert is not good.
C. It’s an awesome music concert.
D. Sherina is beautiful.

6. Katrin : the service in this restaurant is very slow, we’ve been waiting for 45 minutes.
Mitta : ........
A. Let’s eat
B. Let’s talk to the manager.
C. The food is not delicious.
D. I love this restaurant.

7. Rara : Can you come to the office early tomorrow?
Mario : ......
A. Yes, he’ll be there tomorrow.
B. I’m sorry. I can’t arrive before nine.
C. Sure, I’ll come to your school early.
D. My office is for from my house.

8. Ali : .....
Mario : Sure, but please drive carefully. The weather is bad.
A. Dad, may i drive the care? C. Dad, May i buy a car ?
B. Dad, i can drive a car. D. I want to use car.

9. Garry : derawan, east borneo, is a wonderful diving spot.
Nike : if i had some more holiday . .....
A. I will go to derawan. B. I would have gone to derawan.
B. I would go to derawan. D. I would went to derawan.

10. Yesca : I think the english day program is a great idea.
Rika : .... it can encourage students to speak english better.
A. I don’t think so. B. I’m not sure.
B. I have my own opinion. C. I couldn’t agree more.

11. Reza : i want to meet my friends at the “fish and chip” Restaurant, but i don’t know where
   It is . ....
Adi : That’s easy. Just drive along the sanjaya street. The restauant is in your right,        between the mandiri bank and the post offive.
A. Can you drive there?
B. I’m confused.
C. Could you tell me how can i get there?
D. Would you come with me?

12. Bagus : do you like to do sport?
Dody : Yes, I do .......
A. I saw you to.
B. I always go jogging in senayan every Sunday.
C. Did you see me ?
D. I can’t tell you what I was doing.

13. Guest : .... Is it possible?
Recepsionist : one way or return?
A. I’d like to reserve a room, please.
B. I’d like to go to denpasar next Saturday.
C. I’ll go with you to denpasar tomorrow.
D. I’d like to book a ticket to denpasar tomorrow.

14. Ryan : do you think i an continue my study to gajah mada university next year?
Father : Sure, .....
A. You can’t study here.
B. If you study hard, you will enter gajah mada university.
C. You can’t s study in gajah mada University.
D. I don’t think so.

15. Medya : Can the accountant recalculate these figures?
Adrian : No, .........
A. He will recalculate the figure.
B. He won’t be in for the rest of the day.
C. He can draw the figure.
D. There are some other works for him.

II. Error Recognition

In questions 16 - 25, each sentence has four words or phares underlined. The four underlined words are marked A, B, C, and D. You have to identify the underlined words or phrases that should be corrected or rewritten
16. Research shows that vegetarians are healties than meat eaters.
        A   B C     D
        17. Luxania hotel is locating between the businnes district and historical district. Feel the
   A              B
               Unique atmosphere and you’ll love it
    C D
       18. Maia : Dani, are you want a cup of cofee or tea?
      A B C
Dani : I prefer tea to cofee. Thank you.
19. Sony : Can i play computer games. Mom?
    A B
Mother : I’m afraid not, you should studied for you math exam tomorrow.
 C     D
20. Faura : it’s too crowd here. I can’t find gizha.
Felia : Hey, look at the girl  who has long straight hair and wearing white skirt.
B          C D
 I think she’s gizha.
21.  Guest    : I need to see the director. How can I getting to his office?
             A B
      Receptionist  : Right on this floor, Sir. It’s room 115
      C      D
22.  Cristie : children can obey their parents.
     A    B
        Dea :  I think so. Nowdays there’s tendency that children do not listen to      
23. If I got a job my first salary will be presented for my Mother.
              A         B           C D
24. Jayawijaya, located in Irian Jaya, is the most high mountain in Indonesia.
          A   B      C                  D
25. My manager is going to meeting his director at the conference room.
          A       B   C D

III. Reading Comprehension.

Question 26-28 refer to the following letter.

The green shop
Jl. Ir . H. Juanda 78 Bamdung
Tel : (022) 5132343 Fax : (022) 5132334

Mr. Kris Nugraha
Alang-alang Handycraft
Jl. Bugisan 43

dear sir,
We are interested in becoming a distributor for your handycraft products in bandung. Would you please send us your letest catalogues, descriptive brochures, and terms?
We hava a handy shop and would like to add your products into our sales offerrings. Our annual report is enclosed.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Sincerely yours,

Regina Damayanti

26. what does the green shop sell now?
      A. Handycraft products. C. Cakes.
      B. Green plants. D. Computers.

27. what kind of letter is the text?
      A. Advertisment lettee. C. Letter of credit.
      B. letter of inquiry. D. Letter of intent.

28. ”we look forward to hearing from you soon”
       What does the underline word refer to?
A. The green shop. C. Redina Damayanti
B. Mr. Kris Nugraha D. Direction.

Question 29-31 refer to the following schedule.

December 29, 2018

Air lines To Flight No Schedule Remark Terminal gate
Batavia air Medan 7p0577 11.40 Departed 1 B4
Batavia air Pontianak 7p0207 11.40 Departed 1 B1
Lion air Palu Jt0774 11.55 Departed 1 A6
Lion air Pangkalpinang Jt0616 11.55 Departed 1 A3
Lion air Palembang Jt0338 12.00 Departed 1 A2
Garuda Surabaya Ga0314 12.00 Departed 2 F3
Lion air Yogyakarta Jt0556 12.05 Departed 1 A5
Garuga Yogyakarta Ga0210 12.20 Departed 2 F7
Lion air Padang Jt0352 12.30 Departed 1 A4
Lion air Surabaya Jt0576 12.35 Departed 1 A4
Lion air Medan Jto382 12.35 Departed 1 A5
Lion air Balikpapan Jt0764 12.45 Departed 1 A6
Garuda Medan Ga0188 12.50 Departed 2 F2
Lion air kendari Jt0728 12.55 Departed 1 A7

29. What kind of information does the table give?
       A. international flight schedule of soekarno-hatta international airport
       B. international flight departure of soekarno hatta international airport
       C. domestic flight schedule of soekarno hatta international airport
       D. Regular flight schedule of soekarno hatta international airport.

30. How often does the flight to meden go?
       A. Once a day. C. Three times a day.
       B. twice a day. D. Every day.

31. Based on the table, is the synonym of the word ‘departed’?
       A. Come. C. Started.
       B. Arrived D. Left.

Question 32-34 refer to the following text.

If you have a debit card for your account, you can use that to get cash out of an Automatic teller machine. Insert your card trought the’ll be asked to give your personal identification number. The machine will verify and will ask  you a series of question of what you would like to do. Select withdrawal, then select or type in amount you want to take out, and wait for your recieipt to be printed. Remove your card from the slot. The drawer will open with a receipt and your cash withdrawal.
Most machines will let you take up five hundred dollars.

32. What the text about?
       A. how to make a withdrawal an ATM C. How to make an account at an ATM
       B. how to make a loan at an ATM D. How to use an ATM

33. What does ATM mean?
 A. Automatic Transfer Machine C. Automatic Taller Machine
 B. Automatic Typing Machine D. Automatic Telephone Machine

34. What if the amount of money you want to take is not on the option menu ?
A. select another menu C. Remove the card from the slot.
B. Type the amount on the screen D. Wait for the receipt.

Question 35-37 refer to following text.


Chocolatecomprises a number of raw and processed foods produced from the seed of the tropical cacao tree. After fermentation, the cacao beans are dried, cleaned, and roasted, and the shells are removed to produce cacao nibs. The nibs are then ground and liquifed, resulting in pure chocolate in fluid room : chocolate liquor. The liquor can be further processed into two components: coca cola solids and cocoa butter. Pure, usweetened chocolate contains primarily cocoa solids and cocoa butter in combining chocolate with sugar. Milk chocolate is sweet chocolate that additionally ontains milk powder or condensed milk.”white chocolate” contains cocoa butter , sugar, and milk but not cocoa solids (and thus does not qualify to be considered true chocolate).
Chocolate contains alkaloids such as theobromine and phenetylamine, which have physiological affect on thr body. It has been linked to serotini levels in the brain. Scientist claim that chocolate , eaten in moderation, can lower blood pressure. Dark chocolate has recently been promoted for its health benefits, including a substantial amount of antioxidants that reduce the formation of free radicals, altought current scientific evidence is against health improvement by dietary antioxidants. The presence of the theobromine renders it toxic to some animals, especially dogs and cats.
Chocolate has become one of the most popular food types and flavors in the world. Gifts
Of chocolte molded into different shapes have become traditional on certain holiday : chocolate bunnies and eggs are popular on easter, chocolate coins on hannukah, santa claus and other holiday symbols on cristmas, and hearts on valentine’s day. Chocolate is also used in cold and hot beverages. To produce chocolate milk and hot chocolate.

35. Which one is NOT TRUE according to the text?
      A. white chocolate is not a true chocolate
      B. chocolate can lower the blood pressure.
      C. chocolate contains a lot of fat.
      D. chocolate hearts are popular one Valentine’s Day

36. What does “white chocolate” consist of?
      A. Chocolate and sugar
      B. cocoa solids and cocoa butter
      C. Cocoa and milk powder or condensed milk.
      D. cocoa butter, sugar, and milk but not cocoa solids.

37. “Choholate is also used in cold and hot beverages ....”
      What does the uderlined word mean ?
             A. Drinks. C. Meals.
             B. Foods. D. Snacks.

Question number 38-40 refer to following text.

J.K rowling was born in chipping sodury, july 31, 1965. From an early age. J.K rowling had an ambition to be a writer. She often tried her hand at writing, altought little came from her early efforts.
It was in 1990, that J.K. Rowling first conceived of the idea about harry potter. As she rcalls,it was on a long train journey from london to manchester when she bagan forming in her mind, the character of the series. At the forefront, was a young boy, not aware that he was a wizard.
In 1994 she finised her first copy, and sent it off to various agents. She found an agent, christoper , who spent over a year trying to get a publisher . eventusllym a quite small publisher, bloomsbury agreed o take the book on. The editor barry cunningham also agreed to pay her and advence of $1.500.
Run ways of only 500-1,000 of these went to libraries. First editions are now said to be worth up to $25,000 each. She also received a grant from the scottish arts council, which enabled her to write full time. After the books, giving a 7-figure su,. The films have magnifed the succes of the books, making harry potter into one of the most recognisable media product . under the close guidance of J.K. rowling, the films have sought to stay close to the original plot; also at J.K. rowling’s request all the actors are british.
J.K. rowling has stated recently, that on the 21 december 2006, she finished her final book of the harry potter series – “Harry potter and the deathly hallows”. The book is due for release in july 2007.
J.K. rowling has said the book is her favourite, and it makes her both happy and sad, she has said she will continue writing but there is not chance of continuing the harry potter series.

38. Who is J.K. Rowling
A. the writter of harry potter series.
B. the director of harry potter movies.
C. the character of the harry potter series.
D. the publisher of the harry potter series.

39. Where did J.K. Rowling conceive the idea of harry potter story?
A. In her house C. In london
B. On a trin D. In manchester

40. “.... the book sales really started to take off”
A. Fail C. Decrease.
B. Rise. D. Arrive    

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