Latihan Soal Derivative Beserta Pembahasannya

Latihan Soal Derivative Beserta Pembahasannya

1. The …. to speak English helped her to get the job as a secretary in that law firm.
a. able
b. ability
c. unable
d. disabled
Jawaban : B

2. Cruise One is offering a …. Fare for any first-time customers
c. reduction
d. reduced
Jawaban : C

3. … condition couldn’t be asked for a to start construction
a. best
b. better
c. goodly
Jawaban : B

4. she designers have always looked toward Milan for their ….
a. inspired
b. inspirational
c. inspiration
d. inspire
Jawaban : C

5. The city has based it’s ….estimates primarily on the service industry
a. growth
b. grows
c. grew
d. grown
Jawaban : A

6. The account executives were unable to…… on a strategic plan
a. agreement
b. agreed
c. agree
Jawaban : C

7. At Western Airlines, we believe that well-trained pilot are key to our …        
a. success
b. succeed
c. succeeded
d. successful
Jawaban : A

8.   Customers     ….     pay full price for software programs, since most software is available through catalogs and discount stores.
a. rare
b. rarity
c. rarely
d. rarer
Jawaban : C

9. Applicants will not be considered if they do not meet the minimum  …. for the position.
a. requirements
b. requiring
c. requires
d. require
Jawaban : A

10. Three clients have indicated that they wish to exchange their ….  telephone systems for more sophisticated ones.
A. presence
B. presented
C. presently
D. present
Jawaban : A

11.  Recent …… in the corporation’s income and expenses are discussed in the financial section of the report.
A. modifies
B. modified
C. modifying
D. modifications
Jawaban : D

12. In late June interest  rates surged to their ……  level eighteen months.
A. high
B. higher
C. highly
D. highest
Jawaban : D

13. Ms. Martinelli is …… pleased with the performance of the sales divisions this quarter.
A. extreme
B. more extreme
C. most extreme
D. extremely
Jawaban : D

14. They stooped along the road to watch the ____ birds feeding in the swamp.
a. Color
b. Colored
c. Colorful
d. Coloring
Jawaban : C

15. Most of the major banks in the city have recently implemented ……. Changes in their hiring policies.
a. significance
b. significantly
c. signify
d. significant
Jawaban : D

16. Awards for perfect ……. Were given out at the annual dinner.
a. attendant
b. attendance
c. attending
d. attentive
Jawaban : A

17. The student  decided  to study…………than before
Jawaban : B

18. My sister was very. . .when she was promoted to be the sales manager
a. surprise
b. surprised
c. suprises
d. suprising
Jawaban : B

19. The product’s ....... formula has been patented in many countries.
A. Special C. Specially
B. Especial D. Especially
Jawaban : A

The following text is for number 20 -21


Fernando Alcuaz
Famed International Pianist
Recently arrived from the Philippines
Jazz, modern, and classical pieces
Surrey room, 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Admission free for hotel guests

20. Who is Mr. Alcuaz?
a. A poet c. A comedian
b. A singer d. A musician
Jawaban : D

21. Where is Mr. Alcuaz Performing?
a. In surrey c. In the philippines
b. At a hotel d. in the restaurant
Jawaban : B

The following text is for number 22 -23

We are looking for sale professionals in the metropolitan area with a minimum of two years experience in the clothing industry. Good professional appearance, excellent communication skills, and a college degree are required. We offer an excellent salary and benefits package.

22. what kind of  applicant would be most attracted to this job?
a. an engineer         c. a professor
b. a real estate agent d. a clerk in a clothing store
Jawaban : D

23. which of the following is NOT mentioned as a requirement?
a. good appearance c. a master degree
b. previous experience d. good speaking and writing skills
Jawaban : B

The following text is for number 25

J.P There was a bad accident on Sudirman street last night. A bus wich was  traveling south was hit by a large truck. Saveral people in the bus were kiled, incluiding the driver. The, Injured people were taken to the hospital. The driver of the truck was drunk. He was taken te the police station to be intrrogated.

25. What happened on Jalan Sudirman last night ?
A. A bus crash
B. .A truck crash
C. A terrible accident
D. A dead drunken driver
E. A fight between two drivers
Jawaban : C

The following text is for number 26 -27

The Griffih Hotel
Charleston, South Carolina

Reserve will be held until 4:00 p.m. unless
guaranteed by advance deposit or credit card.

Cancellations must be made 24 hours prior to scheduled arrival in order to avoid the first night’s room charge.

26. Why would guarantee your reservation by credit card ?
a. So you can cancel your room
b. So you can arrive after 4:00
c. So you can arrive before 4:00
d. So you don’t have to check in
Jawaban : C

27. What happens if you do not cancel 24 hours in advance ?
a. You must pay for one night
b. You get first choice of rooms
c. You can schedule your arrival
d. You can get an advance deposite
Jawaban : A

28. Careless. dumping of_______ waste into Ciliwung river has caused serious water pollution.
A. industry D. Industrialized
B. industrialist E. Industrialize
C. industrial
Jawaban : C

29. Dody has very ________ mind; he will make a good scientist.
A. analyze D. analysis
B. analyst E. analytically
C. analytical
Jawaban : C

30. Nowadays people prefer using small cars than big ones because they're more____
A. economically D. economical
B. economic E. economy
C. economize
Jawaban : D

31. Seanu and Prabu are brothers, but they look very ______
A. differs D. differently
B. differential E. different
C. difference
Jawaban : E

32. This area is not suitable for farming because the soil is not ______
A. fertility D. fertilizer
B. fertilize E. fertilization
C. fertile
Jawaban : C

33. The manager thinks Ratu is a very ______ secretary because she always dres her work well.
A. reliable D. rely
B. reliance E. reliably
C. reliability
Jawaban : A

34. The students are free to write a true story or an_____ one.
A. Imagine D. imagination
B. Imaginary E. Imagery
C. Imaginable
Jawaban : B

35. Although the couple have been married for five years, they are still_______
A. childishness D. childhood
B. childless E. childlike
C. childbirth
Jawaban : B

36. People are wondering about his ______ be¬havior.
A. strange D. estrange
B. strangely E. estrangement
C. stranger
Jawaban : A

37. I asked the man how I could get to the sta¬tion. He gave me very clear ______
A. directly D. directing
B. directors E. directness
C. directions
Jawaban : C

38. His directions how to get to the station were quite_____
A. clearly D. clear
B. clearness E. clearing
C. clearance
Jawaban : D

39. The teacher should be ______ at all the time
A. tolerator D. tolerable
B. tolerance E. tolerate
C. tolerant
Jawaban : D

40. Situated near a ____ beach, the town soon became a popular tourist resort.
A. beauty D. beautified
B. beautiful E. beautify
C. beautifully
Jawaban : B

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