Penjelasan Bagaimana Membuat "English Business Appointments" Beserta Dialog dan Latihan Soal.

Penjelasan Bagaimana Membuat "Business Appointments" Beserta Dialog dan Latihan Soal.

Dalam dunia bisnis, melakukan janji temu dengan klien, supplier, pemilik perusahaan, manajer, dan kolega lainnya adalah sebuah rutinitas yang biasa dilakukan. Apabila anda mempunyai kolega yang menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dalahm kesehariannya, maka anda harus bisa mengatur janji temu dalam Bahasa Inggris.. Berikut adalah penjelasan bagaimana cara membuat janji temu bisnis dengan rekan disertai dengan contoh percakapan dan latihan soalnya. Semoga bermanfaat

Requesting an appointment: Politely asking for a meeting (Membuat Janji)

Bahasa Indonesia
If possible, I would like to come by and see you [tomorrow]?
Jika memungkinkan, saya ingin mampir ke tempat anda dan bertemu [besok]?
I was wondering if we could get together [on Tuesday]?
Saya berpikir jika kita bisa bertemu [hari selasa]?
Do you think we could get together [next week]?
Apakah anda pikir kita bisa bertemu [minggu depan]?
Are you available on the 17th?
Apakah anda bisa bertemu tanggal 17?
Can we meet on the 16th?"
Apakah kita bisa bertemu tanggal 16?
Would Friday suit you?"
Apakah anda bisa bertemu hari jumat?
Is next Tuesday convenient for you?"
Apakah selasa depan anda bisa?
Could we meet at 10 a.m on Monday the 3rd of July?
Bisakah kita bertemu jam 10 pagi hari senin tanggal 3 Juli?

Agreeing on a date ( Menyetujui Tanggal)

Bahasa Indonesia
"Yes, Thursday is fine."
ya, hari kamis boleh juga
"Thursday suits me."
 hari kamis saya bisa
Thursday would be perfect
hari kamis akan sempurna
That's fine. I'll see you then.
Baiklah, sampai ketemu.

Suggesting a different date (Menyarankan Tanggal Lainnya)

Bahasa Indonesia
I'm afraid I can't on the 3rd. What about the 6th?
Saya takut saya tidak bisa tanggal 3. Bagaimana kalau tanggal 6?
I'm sorry, I won't be able to make it on Monday. Could we meet on Tuesday instead?
Maaf, Saya tidak bisa hari senin. Bisakah kita bertemu hari selasa saja?
Ah, Wednesday is going to be a little difficult. I'd much prefer Friday, if that's alright with you
Ah. Rabu akan sedikit sulit. Saya lebih memilih jumat, jika anda tidak keberatan.
I really don't think I can on the 17th. Can we meet up on the 19th?
Sya pikir saya tidak bisa tanggal 17. Bisakah kita bertemu tanggal 19?

Setting a time (Menentukan Waktu)

Bahasa Indonesia
What sort of time would suit you?
Jam berapa anda bisa?
Is 3pm a good time for you?
 Apakah jam 3 sore adalah waktu yang baik untuk anda?
If possible, I'd like to meet in the morning
Jika memungkinkan, saya ingin bertemu pada pagi hari
How does 2pm sound to you?
bagaimana jam 2 sore kedengarannya bagi anda?

Rejecting a time/date: Apologize and give a reason (Menolak Tanggal/Waktu dan Meminta Maaf Disertai Alasan)

Bahasa Indonesia
 I’m really sorry, but I’ve got  something else to do on Saturday. How about on. . .
Saya sangat minta maaf, tetapi saya ada hal lain yang harus  saya lakukan pada hari sabtu. Bagaimana kalau hari …
 I'm afraid I can't, I'm out of town that day. Can we make it on …
Saya takut saya tidak bisa, Saya keluar kota pada hari itu. Bisakah kita bertemu pada …
 I wish I could but … How about ..
Saya harap saya bisa tapi … Bagaimana kalau …

Example of making arrangements:
Practice the following dialog with a partner:

A: Hello, Mr. Zain?  This is Henry Chu over at Hitachi. 
B:  Hello Henry, what can I do for you? 
A: I was wondering if we could get together on Tuesday to talk about thespecs* on the relays you ordered. 
B: Tuesday sounds fine to me, what time is good for you? 
A: How about 2 p.m.? 
B: I'm sorry, I've got  to meet with Mr. al Ghazi then, but any other time is fine. 
A: Can we try 3 p.m. then? 
B: That's perfect, see you then. 
A: Thank you Mr. Zain, I'll see you Tuesday then, at 3 p.m.** 
* specs are short for specifications - or details
** repeat the time to confirm agreement - this is not always done 
1. Where does the dialog take place?
2. Who is Henry Chu?
3. What does Henry Chu want?
4. What is the perfect time for them to meet?

Example of making arrangements:

Practice the following dialog with a partner:

Mika : Good morning. Mr Harun’s office.
Jaya : Good morning. Can I speak to  Ahmad Harun, please?
Mika : I’m afraid he’s in a meeting until lunchtime. Could I take a message, Sir?
Jaya : Well, I’d like to make an appointment to see him, please. It’s Aji Jaya here.
Mika : Could you hold on for a minute, Mr Jaya? I’ll just look in the diary.  So, when’s convenient for you?
Jaya : Would next Wednesday be okay?
Mika : Wednesday. Let me see. He is out of the office all morning. But he's free in the afternoon, after about three.
Jaya : Three o'clock is difficult. But I could make it after four.
Mika : So shall we say 4.15 next Wednesday, in Mr Harun’s office?
Jaya : Yes, that sounds fine. Thanks very much.
Mika : Okay, then. Bye.

1. Where does the dialog take place?
2. Who is Mika?
3. What does Mr. Aji Jaya  want?
4. What is the perfect time for them to meet?

Match the expressions of changing arrangements in column A with the replies in column B.

1. I can’t make Tuesday. I’ve got to go over to Sumatera to see a client. How about Wednesday?
a. I suppose so. It would have been good to
meet. Look forward to hearing from you
when you’re less busy.
2. I think we said Thursday at 11. Can you make it in the afternoon instead?
b. The 21st
…ehm… I’m going to be on holiday. What about 29th? 
3. We’re going to have to change our
arrangement for the 15th. Can we put it off till the 21st? I’ve completely forgotten we have a departmental meeting that day.
c. The afternoon would be no problem. How about at three?
4. I’m afraid Monday won’t be possible after all. I’m going to be very busy that day. What about the following week?
d. Wednesday’s going to be difficult. Can you make it the next day?
5. We’re going to have to delay our meeting. I’m very busy at the moment. Can we leave it open for the time being? I’ll get back in touch when I’m not so busy.
e. OK. The same day of the following week
would be fine.

Read and act out the following dialogue and answer the questions.
Here is a dialogue between a manager and his secretary. The secretary comes into his room to ask him to sign some letters. She also brings his diary up to date for the next few days.
Manager : Is there any mail from World Designer Company this morning?
Secretary : No, Sir. Are you expecting something?
Manager : I’m expecting an up-to-date price list from them.
Secretary : I’ll bring the mail for you as soon as possible when it comes.
Manager : Thank you.
Secretary : Excuse me, Sir. Can I take your diary? I need to bring it up-to-date.
Manager : Yes, please. Do you find out what time I have to open the Batik Exhibition?
Secretary : Yes, Sir. It is at ten o’clock on Monday 6th.
Manager : OK. Please make me a dental appointment for next Friday morning. My tooth is aching up again.
Secretary : Yes, Sir. Anything else, Sir?
Manager : Ehmm… Here are some of my activities for next few days. Please rearrange my agenda in the right order and don’t forget to remind me every morning.
Secretary : All right, sir.

Now, help the secretary to rearrange the manager’s agenda into the following diary sheet.
1. One day seminar of Handicraft Business Development from 8 a.m.  to 3 p.m. on Saturday11th.
2. Dinner with the Headboard of Takeda Corporation at 7 on Friday evening.
3. Open Batik Exhibition at ten on Monday 6th.
4. Staff meeting at 1.30 on Monday 6th.
5. Meet the manager of Java Hotel at ten on Tuesday 7th.
6. Facilities Management Conference at 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday.
7. Dental check up at 9 a.m. on Friday 10th.
8. An appointment with the Manager of Syailendra Restaurant at 12 on Tuesday 7th.


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