Penjelasan, Macam-macam, dan Contoh Kalimat Derivative disertai Pembahasan

Penjelasan, Macam-macam, dan Contoh Kalimat Derivative disertai Pembahasan



Salah satu cara untuk memperluas ‘vocabulary’ kita adalah dengan cara mempelajai ‘Derivative’. Bentukan kata-kata baru ada yang menggunakan ‘prefix’, ada pula yang menggunakan ‘suffix’’.

A. Yang menggunakan ‘Prefix’
To eat > to overeat
To estimate > to overestimate
Happy > unhappy
Certain > uncertain
Polite > impolite

B. Yang menggunakan ‘Suffix’
To act > action
To explore > exploration
Cloud > cloudy
Fog > foggy
Kind > kindness

Kemudian marilah kita pelajari bentuklah kata-kata baru ini dan kerjakan latiha soal=soal di bawahnya.

-er a person or thing that does a certain action
Mr. Smith teaches English.
He is an English teacher.

-ly in the manner of, this word tells how
Sandra is a quick swimmer.
She swims very quickly.

re- do again
Paul has to count the money again.
He has to recount the money.

in- not; negative
His answer was not complete.
It was incomplete.

im- in- becomes im- before the letters b, m and p
It is not probable that we will have an easy test.
It is improbable that we will have an easy test.

il- il- before the letter l;
The use of drugs is not legal.
The use of drugs is illegal.

ir- ir- before the letter r
The verb be is not regular.
It is irregular.

Exercise 1. Word Parts: Forming New Words
Write the new words. Use the new word parts that you learned.

1. .................... a person who teaches.
2. .................... in a rapid manner.
3. .................... write again.
4. .................... in a slow manner.
5. .................... a person who sings.
6. .................... in a careful way.
7. .................... not correct.
8. .................... the thing that sharpens pencils.
9. .................... read again.
10. .................... in a correct manner.

Exercise 2. Words Parts: Completing Sentences with New Words
Read the sentence very carefully. Complete the sentence by writing a word on the line. Use the word parts that you learned.
1. Mr. Smith writes short stories for a living. He always wanted to be a .................... .
2. I wrote the letter with a pencil. Now I have to .................... it with a pen.
3. John is not polite. He is very .................... .
4. Joe didn’t do the homework correctly. The teacher asked him to .................... it.


un- not; negative
The temperature was not pleasant.
The temperature was unpleasant.

-logy the science or study of
Dr. Smith teaches a class in the use of X rays.
Dr. Smith teaches a class in radiology.

bio- life; living
He likes the science of living things.
He likes biology.

geo- the earth
She wants to learn about the science of the earth.
She wants to learn about the geology.

-ist a person who is trained or skilled in an area.
Paul can type very well.
Paul is a good typist.

Exercise 1. Word Parts: Forming New Words
Write the new words. Use the new parts that you learned.
1. .................... the science of the earth.
2. .................... a person who is skilled in the science of the earth.
3. .................... not locked.
4. .................... the science of life.
5. .................... a person who skilled in biology.
6. .................... not invited.
7. .................... not used.
8. .................... a person who plays the piano very well.
9. .................... a person who knows a great deal about X rays and radiology.
10. .................... not certain.

Exercise 2. Word Parts: Completing Sentence with New Words.
Read the sentence carefully. Complete the sentence by writing a word on the line. Use the word parts that you learned.
1. A .................... is a person who works with machines.
2. Mr. Smith is not sure of his decision. He is .................... of his decision.
3. It is not common to have rain in May, but it rained very hard yesterday. This weather is .................... .
4. The prefix techno- comes froms the Greek word for art or skill. .................... is the science of the methods and skills in industry.
5. My .................... class is at ten o’clock. I like that class a lot because we study about plants and animals.

Exercise 3. Word Parts: Writing Definitions
Use the word parts that you learned to write definitions of these words. Use your own words. Do not use dictionary.
1. Scientist : ....................
2. Unwelcome : ....................
3. Zoology : ....................
4. Artist : ....................
5. Uneducated : ....................


pre- before
The teacher gave us a test before we discussed the story.
The teacher gave us a pretest.

over- in excess; too much
They slept too long and were late for class.
They overslept and were late for class.

-or a person or thing that does a certain action
Sally operates a computer.
Sally is a computer operator.

-y adjective; the existence or condition of (NOUN + -y = ADJECTIVE)
We had a lot of rain last week.
We did not like the rainy weather.

-ness noun; the condition of (ADJECTIVE + -ness = NOUN)
The little boy was very happy to win the game.
Everyone there felt his happiness.

Exercise 1. Word Parts. Forming New Words
Write the new words. Use the new word parts that you learned.
1. .................... to pay for something before you receive.
2. .................... the condition of being sadness.
3. .................... a word that describes the weather when there  is a lot of sun.
4. .................... a person who acts in a movie.
5. .................... the condition of being crazy.
6. .................... the machine that refrigerates food.
7. .................... the condition of not being happy.
8. .................... a word that describes the weather when there are many clouds.
9. .................... a personwho conducts an orchestra or musical group.
10. .................... the condition of not being quick.

Exercise 2. Word Parts: Completing Sentences with New Words
Read the sentence carefully. Complete the sentence by writing a word on the line. Use the word parts that you learned.
1. Paula is a good swimmer because she can swim very quickly. Her .................... helps her to be a good swimmer.
2. George Washington surveyed land before he entered politics. He was a land .................... .
3. When I take a trip, I like to arrange everything in advance. My sister is a travel agent, so she can .................... everything for me.
4. I wanted to go to the beach, but the weather was too .................... . When there are many clouds, you cannot get a good suntan.


dis- not; negative
He is not an honest person.
He is a dishonest person.

-port carry; movement
Airplanes carry many products across the ocean.
Airplanes transport many products.

-ment noun; the action or condition of (VERB + -ment =NOUN)
Mr. Brown will advertise his car in the paper.
Mr. Brown will put an advertisement about  his car in the paper.

-able adjective; capable of
After the storm, we could not drink the water.
After the storm, the water was not drinkable.

-ful adjective; having the characteristics of (NOUN + -ful = ADJECTIVE)
You must take care when you drive.
You must be careful when you drive.

Exercise 1. Word: Forming New Words
Write the new words. Use the new word parts that you learned.
1. .................... not agree.
2. .................... something that you can understand.
3. .................... something that you can carry.
4. .................... something that has beauty.
5. .................... not content.
6. .................... the people and laws that govern a nation.
7. .................... what two people make when they agree.
8. .................... causing great pain.
9. .................... something that you can believe.
10. .................... a person who carries things.

Exercise 2. Word Parts: Completing Sentences with New Words
Read the sentence carefully. Complete the sentence by writing a word on the line. Use the word parts that you learned.
1. Mr. Jones carries people’s suitcases from the train to their cars. He is a .................... .
2. Before my aunt made this dress for me, she measured my waist. I do not think her .................... was correct because the dress is too big in the waist.
3. His car did not start this morning because the wires, or cables, were not connected to the battery. He does not know who .............. the two wires.
4. Paul never shows his mother any respect. He is very .................... .


bi- two
Paula had a tricycle when she was very young.
When she was six years old, she got a bicycle.

under- less than normal; not enough
He did not cook the rice long enough.
He undercooked the rice.

-al adjective; connected with; relating to
This is a problem for the whole national.
This is a national problem.

-ize verb; to cause to be or become
The government will take control of the banks.
The goverment will nationalize the banks.
-ion noun; the action or process of
Mr. Barker explained that lesson very well.
It was easy to understand her explanation.

Exercise 1. Word: Forming New Words
Write the new words. Use the new word parts that you learned.
1. .................... not pay enough.
2. .................... the adjective for the word nation.
3. .................... to cause something to belong to the nation.
4. .................... the action of taking control of something for the nation.
5. .................... the adjective for the word center.
6. .................... the process of discussing.
7. .................... relating to the origin.
8. .................... to put emphasis on something.
9. .................... the noun for the word confuse.
10. .................... cause to be equal.

Exercise 2. Word Parts: Completing Sentences with New Words
Read the sentence carefully. Complete the sentence by writing a word on the line. Use the word parts that you learned.
1. The army liberated that colony. The .................... of the colony occurred in 1962.
2. Laws about drugs should not be liberal. However, some people want to .................... drug laws.
3. My friend John is a trilingual, which means he speaks three langeages, I am .................... because I speak my native language and English.
4. The job of an educator is to .................... students. A good .................... is important to everyone.
5. A psychologist is a person who talks to people who might have .................... problems.


trans- across
Charles Lindbergh was the first person to fly across the Atlantic Ocean.
He made the first trans-Atlantic flight.

-ive Adjective; this word indicates that a type of action is very probable.
The doctor’s treatment had a good effect on my health.
The doctor’s treatment was very effective.

-gram- something that is written or drawn
Can you make me a small map of the campus?
Can you make a diagram of the campus?

-graph- a machine that writes or records; something that is written or drawn
Mary is interestedin studying handwriting.
The study of handwriting is called graphology.

-er adjective; more
John’s shirt is large, but Paul’s is very large.
Paul’s shirt is larger than John’s.

Exercise 1. Word: Forming New Words
Write the new words. Use the new word parts that you learned.
1. .................... very cold.
2. .................... to carry something across.
3. .................... the action of carrying something across.
4. .................... a machine used to send written messages over a long distance (tele-: means distance).
5. .................... a written messages that is received from a distant place.
6. .................... a word that describes a person who can create thing very easily.
7. .................... in a creative manner.
8. .................... adjective for the word cooperative.
9. .................... in a cooperative manner.
10. .................... very bright (more).

Exercise 2. Word Parts: Completing Sentences with New Words
Read the sentence carefully. Complete the sentence by writing a word on the line. Use the word parts that you learned.
1. Mary is five feet six inches tall, and John is five feet ten inches tall. John is .................... than Mary.
2. Western Union is a company that sends written messages from one person to another. The distance between the two people does not matter. The machine that they use is called a ...................., and the message that they send is called .................... .
3. Mark likes to disrupt the class by talking while the teacher is explaining something. No one likes him because he is so .................... in class.
4. He is going to take a trip across the entire continent on foot. His  .................... trip will attract a lot of attraction.


-phone sound; voice
Mr. Miller talked to his son who lives in Europe.
They talked by telephone.

-self- referring to the same person or thing.
I was shaving with a new razor.
I accidentally cut myself.

-dict- word; say
She did not know the meaning of that word.
She had to look it up in her dictionary.

-ity noun; a state or quality
It is possible that it will rain.
There is possibility that it will rain.

-ese- nationality or language
He is from Japan.
He is Japanese.

Exercise 1. Word: Forming New Words
Write the new words. Use the new word parts that you learned.
1. .................... the study or science of sounds and pronunciation.
2. .................... referring to us.
3. .................... the state of being real.
4. .................... the language that people speak in Portugal.
5. .................... the quality of being equal.
6. .................... someone from Sudan.
7. .................... the state or condition of being probable.
8. .................... referring to something.

Exercise 2. Word Parts: Completing Sentences with New Words
Read the sentence carefully. Complete the sentence by writing a word on the line. Use the word parts that you learned.
1. I am very interested in improving my pronunciation of French. I plan to take a course French ....................
2. John looked at .................... in the mirror very carefully before he went to the party.


multi- many
I like the shirt that is red, blue, and white.
I like the multicolored shirt.

ex- former; not any more
He was a student at that school.
He is an ex-student of that school.

auto- same; by oneself or by itself.
The machine turns itself off.
The machine turns off automatically.

-en verb; to make or cause to be
They should make the road wider.
They should widen the road.

-ish adjective;
nationality or language;
having the qualities of;
more or less;

She is from Sweden.
She is Swedish.

He acted like a child.
He acted childish.

His shirt is almost green.
His shirt is greenish.

Exercise 1. Word: Forming New Words
Write the new words. Use the new word parts that you learned.
1. .................... to make soft.
2. .................... from England.
3. .................... a former president.
4. .................... more or less brown.
5. .................... to cause to be red.
6. .................... from Spain.
7. .................... a person’s life story that was written by that same person.
8. .................... like a fool.
9. .................... a former husband.
10. .................... many cultures.

Exercise 2. Word Parts: Completing Sentences with New Words
Read the sentence carefully. Complete the sentence by writing a word on the line. Use the word parts that you learned.
1. My pants are too long. I’ll ask someone to .................... them.
2. She was the director of that company from 2007 to 2012. She goes to all the meeting of the company because she is an .................... .
3. Another name for a car is .................... . we call it that because it is not necessary push or pull it. It is mobile by itself.


Out- be superior; do more than
Jane ran faster than Kevin.
Jane outran Kevin.

-est adjective; the most (comparing three or more people or thing).
There are many tall people in my class.
Ben is the tallest.

-ward in the direction of
The ship will go to places that are west of here.
The ship will go westward.

-ent adjective
Your answer might differ from mine.
Your answer and my answer are different.

-ence noun; make nouns from adjectives that end with –ent (ADJECTIVE [--ent] + ence = NOUN)
Your answer and mine are different.
There is a difference between our answers.

Exercise 1. Word: Forming New Words
Write the new words. Use the new word parts that you learned.
1. .................... moving east.
2. .................... very tall.
3. .................... the noun for the adjective patient.
4. .................... toward the back.
5. .................... the noun for the verb prefer.
6. .................... moving up.
7. .................... to play better than.
8. .................... extremely large.
9. .................... to score more points than.
10. .................... to last longer than.

Exercise 2. Word Parts: Completing Sentences with New Words
Read the sentence carefully. Complete the sentence by writing a word on the line. Use the word parts that you learned.
1. Mark is a good tennis player, and so was his opponent yesterday. Mark .................... his opponent and won the match.
2. She is a good teacher because she is very patient. A good teacher surely has a great deal of .................... .
3. The weather forecaster says that the hurricane is four hundred miles south of us. If it moves .................... .
4. A dog is quicker than a turtle, but a horse is the .................... .
5. An I.Q test is a measurement of a person’s intelligence. For example, a person of normal intelligence will make 100, but a very .................... person might make much more.


Mis- indicates an error or mistakes; badly
He did not understand my question.
He misunderstood my question.

Inter- between; among\
She is in the class between beginning and advanced.
She is in the intermediate class.

-less adjective; lack of; not having
The photographer was not careful, and he dropped the camera.
The photo grapher was careless.

-ship noun; the quality or condition of; the art of
Joe received money from the university to attend classes.
Joe received a scholarship.

-ing adjective (VERB + -ing = ADJECTIVE)
The movie will interest you.
The movie is interesting.

 Exercise 1. Word: Forming New Words
Write the new words. Use the new word parts that you learned.
1. .................... without a price.
2. .................... to put in the wrong place.
3. .................... what you have if you are a member.
4. .................... a word that describes something that interests you.
5. .................... to understand incorrectly.
6. .................... to marry soeone from another group.
7. .................... a word that describes something that bores you.
8. .................... the quality of being a leader.
9. .................... not having and end.
10. .................... lack of taste.
Exercise 2. Word Parts: Completing Sentences with New Words
Read the sentence carefully. Complete the sentence by writing a word on the line. Use the word parts that you learned.
1. Oxygen is a gas which has no odor, or smell. Oxygen is a common example of an .................... gas.
2. The price of gasoline will probably rise soon. The .................... price of gasoline will cause the price of other items to increase.
3. The United Nations is an .................... organization. There are many nations in that organization.
4. I can never spell believe correctly. I always .................... it.
5. A .................... pot is a heavy pot, usually made of iron, in which you can cook vagetables without any water.
The word in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably into the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.
Example: The result of the examination was very satisfying. (satisfy)
1. The number  .................... people increases daily. (home)
2. The lack of  .................... at rent  which the ordinary person can afford a disgrace  to the nation. (accomodation)
3. The  .................... of thoses who have nowhere to live is ignored. (misetable)
4. This is because to convert such buildings into the flats lower-paid workers would be  ....................  for the property owners. (profit)
5. The only answer is for local people to form Housing  ....................  to help themseves. (associate)
6. The  .................... of aeroplane is supposed to have made the world smaller. (invent)
7. The  .................... of the air has certainly brought great benefit to man. (conquer)
8. For example, when we are  .................... by air we do not have the same opportunity to admire the places we pass as we do by train or car. (travel)
9. And so, perhaps, we miss a great many  .................... sights and scenes. (beauty)
10. Even when we are at home we are  .................... disturbed by the noise of aircraft overhead and sometimes begin to wonder if the aeroplane is such a benefit to mankind after all. (constant)
11. To be  .................... it is generally necessary to be well-educated. (success)
12. They feel unable to complete even thye simplest  .................... form. (apply)
13. Otherwise much  .................... can reult from doing boring work. (happy)
14. As a result it is hoped that a greater number of people will qualify for more  .................... work in the future. (interest)
15. Doctors and  .................... have reported on how we are all affected by the noise around us. (science)

Choose the right option!

1. What is the  ... of this table , do you know?
a. Heavy
b. Weight
c. Weigh
d. Weighing
e. Heaviness

2. Her ... caused all the men in the village to admire her.
a. Beautiful
b. Beauty
c. Beautify
d. Beautifully
e. Beautics

3. The newspaper ... is usually between tre or four o’clock.
a. Delivery
b. Deliver
c. Delivered
d. Delivering
e. Deliverence

4. It is a ... to meet you Mrs. Anna.
a. Pleasure
b. Please
c. Pleasant
d. Pleasing
e. Pleased

5. Do yu know the ... between those two words?
a. Different
b. Difference
c. Differ
d. Differenciate
e. Differs

6. If you are impolite to a person, you should make ... .
a. An appointment
b. An excuse
c. An apologize
d. An apology
e. An allowance

7. Please tell me ... what you think.
a. Honestly
b. Honesty
c. Honest
d. In honest
e. In honor

8. My youngest son is not easily ... .
a. Satisfied
b. Satisfy
c. Satisfactory
d. Satisfaction
e. Satisfying

9. The company’s newest ... is a special blue soap powder.
a. Product
b. Productive
c. Production
d. Produce
e. Productiving

10. Since your vocabulary is rather poor, you must ... it right away.
a. Rich
b. Richness
c. Enrich
d. Enrichness
e. Be rich

11. You are always wrong in doing everything, so make your own ... .
a. Corrects
b. Corrector
c. Correctly
d. Correction
e. Correcting

12. I’m sure that you will be ... if you study harder.
a. Succeed
b. Success
c. Successful
d. Successfully
e. succeeding

13. The ... of his football team makes him very proud.
a. Popularity
b. Popularly
c. Popular
d. Popularness
e. Popularisation

14. English sporting terms have been ... in many languages.
a. Natural
b. Naturalize
c. Nature
d. Natured
e. Naturalized

15. The poles were ... after the war of 1914-1918, they become an independent nation.
a. Nationalized
b. Nationalize
c. National
d. Nationalist
e. nationalism

16. Thousands of English words are ... from Latin.
a. Derive
b. Derived
c. Derivative
d. Derivation
e. Deriving

17. Let us ... in fighting poverty and disease.
a. Unite
b. Unity
c. United
d. Universal
e. Universe

18. She looks after her sick mother without complaining. Her ... must be appreciated.
a. Patience
b. Patient
c. Doctor
d. Nurse
e. Midwife

19. After the ..., he will leave for the mountains.
a. Preparements
b. Preparator
c. Preparations
d. Preparefulness
e. preparedness

20. If help does not come, we must ... to the end.
a. Endurance
b. Endue
c. Endure
d. Enduring
e. Endurable

21. Why don’t you find a job and end this ... upon your parents?
a. Depend
b. Dependant
c. Dependent
d. Dependence
e. Dependence

22. Although the couple have been married for five years, they are still ... .
a. Childishness
b. Childless
c. Childhood
d. Childbird
e. Child-like

23. The road is full of ... turns.
a. Abrupt
b. Abruptly
c. Abruptness
d. Abruptive
e. Abruptable

24. Eight is ... by two.
a. Division
b. Devide
c. Divisor
d. Devisable
e. Divisable

25. The old lady doesn’t have enough ... to walk upstairs.
a. Strong
b. Strongly
c. Strength
d. Strengthen
e. Strengthening

26. He asks me to sign a ... when I collected the money.
a. Receiver
b. Receipt
c. Recipe
d. Receptor
e. Reception

27. The workers marched through the streets with flags and banners to against the rising cost of living.
a. Demonstrate
b. Demonstration
c. Demonstrative
d. Demonstrable
e. Demonstrator

28. The old ... ear lotion for eye lotion. He is in the hospital now.
a. Miscalled
b. Misapplied
c. Misplace
d. Misinterpreted
e. Misused

29. A good encyclopedia is a ... of information.
a. Mine
b. Miner
c. Mining
d. Mineral
e. Mineralogy

30. Tom has expanded his business, he is a ... businessman.
a. Success
b. Succeed
c. Succeeded
d. Successfully
e. successful

31. A: “Are you invited to the party?”
B: Yes, here is the ... card.
a. Invited
b. Inviting
c. Invitation
d. Invite
e. Invitational

32. As international trade has become more complex, ... systems have to be improved.
a. Communicated
b. Communicant
c. Communicative
d. Communicatively
e. communication

33. He is a ... of stamps.
a. Collection
b. Collector
c. Collectioner
d. Collectionist
e. collectives

34. Since the death of her beloved husband, that very sickly old lady has shown ... to live any longer.
a. Willing
b. Willingness
c. Unwilling
d. Unwillingness
e. unwill

35. ... usually causes a housing problem.
a. Overestimated
b. Oversimplified
c. Overseas
d. Overproduction
e. overpopulation

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