Kumpulan Motions Debat Bahasa Inggris Terbaru 2018 ( English Debate 2018) Tingkat SMK

Kumpulan Motions Debat Bahasa Inggris Terbaru 2018 ( English Debate 2018) Tingkat SMK 

Hai semua? apa kabar? setelah lama gak posting di blog, akhirnya saya mulai menulis lagi. Berikut akan saya share kumpulan mosi debat Bahasa Inggris yang saya dapat langsung dari ajang LKS English Debate Competition Tingkat SMK se-Jawa Timur di Batu Suki Hotel, Malang yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 11 s/d 12 April 2018.

1. THBT developmental aid should be given proportionally based on country’s attempt to preserve the environment

2. TH Would allow countries affected by extreme climate change (i.e. Kiribati island that starts drowning) to sue countries that have low environment preservation standard.

3. THBT policies that are detrimental to the environment (i.e. Reclamation, Nuclear Power Plant, etc.) should be decided by environmental expertise rather than variety of politician.

4. TH Regret the use of satirical method in addressing political news (i.e. Meme, parody, etc.)

5. In countries where suicide rate is high, TH Would ban media to cover suicide news.

6. TH supports Wikileaks to continue publishing the documents it acquires, even if they reveal private information about civilians.

7. As Developing Countries with high rate of corruption, THBT during economic crisis, government should prioritize economic restoration rather than the investigation of corruption cases.

8. This house would ban all procedures to alter one's racial appearance (i.e. Changing skin color, double eye lid operation, etc).

9. THBT government should set quotas for groups with disabilities (e.g. people with autism, etc) in important sector (example but not limited to medical and political sector).

10. In the case of oil spill, THW not allow the responsible oil company to operate until the damage being fixed.(Indonesia has declared a state of emergency as Borneo oil spill spread).

11. Student loan is a type of loan designed to help students pay for tertiary  education including tuition, books and supplies, and living expenses. It may differ from other types of loans in the fact that the interest rate may be substantially lower and the repayment schedule may be deferred while the student is still in school. So student can pay it later after they get a job.
Student loan is a type of loan designed to help students pay for tertiary  education including tuition, books and supplies, and living expenses. It may differ from other types of loans in the fact that the interest rate may be substantially lower and the repayment schedule may be deferred while the student is still in school. So student can pay it later after they get a job.

12. THBT JOKOWI’s proposal to implement student loan in indonesia brings more harm than good.

13. THBT it is ethical to use the flesh as testing object to find the cure of deadly disease (i.e. Cancer and HIV).
The Flesh is a human replica that are grown from human DNA using advance technology. It responds to pain just like a normal human being. They’re non sentient so they don’t have feelings or rationality like a normal human being.

14.Given the latest evidence, THW remake alternate version of historical movie (i.e. Pemberontakan G30SPKI, Serangan Fajar, and Janur Kuning).
Indonesia saw systematic extermination against PKI by Soeharto regime that started in 1965, up to a million Indonesians for affiliation with the party, or simply for being accused of harboring leftist sympathies. This effort was documented in favor of Soeharto regime in some state funded movies (i.e. G30SPKI, Serangan Fajar, Janur Kuning). However, in 2017 the non-profit National Security Archive, along with the National Declassification Center, confirmed that U.S. authorities backed Suharto’s purge and they knew most of his victim are entirely innocent. U.S. Involvement was motivated by cold war against communism.

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Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Drugs Abuse among Teenagers.

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