Merupakan jenis teks berupa cerita atau dongeng yang bertujuan menghibur pembaca. Konsepnya berupa cerita khayalan atau cerita yang direkayasa. Narrative text bisa berupa dongeng, legenda, mitos, cerita rakyat, dan fabel.
- Orientation : pendahuluan berupa pengenalan tokoh, waktu dan cerita
- Complication/crisis :pemunculan masalah
- Resolution : penyelesaian konflik
- Reorientation : penutup
- Coda : pelajaran yang dapat dipetik
Berikut latihan soal Narrative Text
Choose the best answer!
A long time ago, the ancient land of Sunda was ruled by a king and queen who had but a single daughter. Her name was Dayang Sumbi. She was beautiful and clever but also pampered and spoilted.
One day as she was weaving in her pavilion, she became moody and distracted, which caused her to keep dropping her shuttle on the floor. Once when it fell she exclaimed she would marry the one who gave it back to her. At that very moment her dog Tumang, a demigod possessing magic powers, came up to her with the shuttle in his mouth. Dayang Sumbi had to marry him.
They lived happily together, and Dayang Sumbi gave birth to a baby boy, human in appearance but endowed with his father’s magic powers. She named him Sangkuriang. As the boy grew up, he was always guarded by the faithful dog Tumang, whom he knew only as a companion and not as his father, Sangkuriang became handsome and brave.
One day his mother asked him to go hunting with the dog and bring her venison for a feast. After hunting all day without success, Sangkuriang worried about facing his mother empty-handed. Desperate, he took an arrow and shot the dog. He returned home and handed over the meat to his pleased mother. Soon after the feast, however, Dayang Sumbi questioned her son about the absence of Tumang. At first he evaded her queries but finally told her what had happened. She was horrified and struck her son so hard on his head that he collapsed. For that, the old king banished his daughter from the court and she was made to roam around the kingdom. Sangkuriang recovered with a large scar on his temple, and he too left the court to wander about the world.
Years later, Sangkuriang met a beautiful woman and instantly fell in love with her. It was his own mother-they did not recognize each other. He pro posed to her and she agreed to marry him. On the day before the wedding, as she was caressing her fiancee’s hair, Dayang Sumbi detected the scar on the temple. Horror struck her, for she was about to marry her own son, Sangkuriang. Without revealing the whole truth to him, she tried unsuccessfully to dissuade him. Desperate to avoid the marriage, she set conditions she thought impossible to meet. Sangkuriang had to make a lake that filled the whole valpley and build a boat for the couple to sail in, all before dawn.
Sangkuriang started to work. His love gave him extraordinary strength, and he used his magic powers to summon the spirits to help him. With boulders and mud they dammed the river in the valley and the water rose and began to form a lake. In the early morning hours he chopped down a huge tree in the forest and began hollowing it out to make a boat. When Dayang Sumbi saw that he was about to accomplish what she has thought impossible, she called on the gods to bring the sun up early and thwart Sangkuriang.
The cock crowed, the sun rose much earlier than usual, and Sangkuriang realized he had been deceived. In a fit of fury he caused Dayang Sumbi and kicked the half-finished boat back into the forest. There it lies upside down today, forming the mountain Tangkuban Perahu (Upturned Boat). Not far away is the stump of the tree Sangkuriang had felled, now called Bukit Tinggi. The dam Sangkuriang had built caused the valley to become a lake, where both Sangkuriang and Dayang Sumbi drowned themselves. They were never heard of again.
(taken from All Around Bandung – Gottfrid Roelcke, Gary Crabb).
1. Who was Dayang Sumbi’s husband ?
A. The King
B. Sangkuriang
C. Tumang
D. Her father
2. Why did she marry her dog, Tumang ? because...
A. It was a companion Sangkuriang
B. It was a demigod possessing magic powers
C. She exclaimed to marry one who gave it back her shuttle
D. She detected the scar on the temple
3. Why did Sangkuriang kill his dog ? because....
A. It had married his mother
B. He wanted to take Tumang’s powers
C. He worried about facing his mother empty-handed
D. Sangkuriang loved Dayang Sumbi
4. What did Dayang Sumbi do after she knew about Tumang ?
A. She exclaimed she would marry him
B. She struck her son so hard
C. She asked Sangkuriang to make a lake
D. She kicked the half-finished boat back into the forest
5. Why did Dayang Sumbi avoid to marry Sangkuriang ? because .....
A. Sangkuriang had shot her dog
B. Dayang Sumbi realized that Sanguriang is her son
C. Dayang Sumbi elected the scar on her fiancee’s head
D. Sangkuriang was not a king
6. What did Sangkuriang have to do to mary Dayang Sumbi ?
A. He had to make a lake and built a temple after dawn
B. He had to make a lake and built a boat before dawn
C. He had to make a palace and built a boat before dawn
D. He had to make a lake and built a boat before evening
7. What did Sangkuriang do after he realized that he had been deceived ?
A. He took an arrow and shot Dayang Sumbi
B. He kicked the half-finished boat back into the forest
C. He struck Dayang Sumbi
D. He Chopped down a huge tree in the forest
Two Brothers
Long ago, there were two brothers called Akomi and Ombah. They were ambitious and winning. Akomi, the elder brother, said, "If we become the King's employees, we can make laws to collect more money from the people. We will become very rich."
They went to see King Aruya. Akomi said, "Your Majesty, let us be your ministers. We will make good laws. All your subjects will be happy. I am wise and clever. I know everything."King Aruya said angrily, "That is not true! No body knows everything. For
example, do you know how many stars there are in the sky? Guards! Throw this liar into the river of crocodiles!"
Ombah's hands trembled. Then he thought to himself, "King Aruya will also punish me if I say the wrong thing. My brother said he knew everything and his answer was wrong. So if I say the opposite, my answer will be right." Ombah then said, to King Aruya, "Your majesty, I know nothing.
"King Aruya said, "That is also a lie. Nobody knows nothing, truly! Everybody knows at least something. For example, you know your father's name, don't you? Guards! Throw him into the river of crocodiles, too!"
8. The two brother's ambition was to …...
A. become ministers
B. become rich
C. help the King make good laws
D. make the King's subjects happy
9. King Aruya called Akomi a liar because Akomi …… .
A. knew everything
B. made him angry
C. did not tell the truth
D. wanted to collect money
10. Ombah said I know nothing because he …...
A. thought that the answer would be right
B. did not want to lie to King Aruya
C. wanted to see the crocodiles
D. did not know how many stars there were
11. Ombah's hands trembled because he ……...
A. was afraid
B. knew nothing
C. was thinking hard
D. had the right answer
12. From the story, we can see that King Aruya ……..
A. disliked people who told lies
B. kept many crocodiles
C. could make good laws
D. did not need any ministers
Once upon a time, a rabbit wanted to cross a river but he could not swim. He had an idea. He had an idea. He saw a boss of crocodile swimming in the river. The rabbit asked the boss of crocodile, “How many crocodile are there in the river?” The boss of crocodile answered, we are twenty here.” “Where are they?” the rabbit asked for the second time. “What is it for?” the boss of crocodile asked.
“All of you are good, nice, gentle and kind, so I want to make a line in order. Later I will know how kind you are, “said the rabbit. Then, the boss of crocodile called all his friends and asked them to make a line in order from one side to the other side of the river. Just then, the rabbit started to count while jumping from one crocodile to another: one … two … three … four … until twenty, and finally, he thanked all crocodiles because he had crossed the river.
13. The story mainly tells us about ….
A. Twenty crocodiles
B. The boss of the crocodile
C. A rabbit and twenty crocodiles
D. A rabbit and the boss of crocodile
14. We know from the first paragraph that the rabbit actually wanted …..
A. To swim across the river
B. To meet the boss of crocodile
C. To cross the river
D. To know the number of crocodiles there
15. All of you are good, nice, gentle, and kind …” (paragraph 2)
The underlined word is synonymous with..
A. cheerful
B. diligent
C. honorable
D. easygoing
Once upon a time there were four little rabbits. Their names were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail and Peter. One morning they were allowed to play outside. Their mother reminded them not to go to Mr. McGregor’s garden because their father had an accident there.
Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail were good little rabbits. They went down the lane to pick blackberries. But Peter was naughty. He ran straight away to Mr. McGregor’s garden. He ate some lettuces, French beans, and radishes. Suddenly, he met Mr. McGregor. Peter was very frightened and rushed away as fast as he could. He lost a pair of shoes and a jacket while he was running. Peter never stopped running or looked behind him till he got home. During the evening, he was sick because he was so tired. He had to drink some medicine while three of his brother had bread, mild and blackberries for supper.
16. Who was the naughtiest rabbit ?
A. Flopsy
B. Mopsy
C. Peter
D. Cotton-tail
17. What did Flopsy, Mopsy and Cotton-tail eat?
A. Carrot
B. Lettuce
C. Blackberries
D. strawberry
18. What did Peter lose while he was running?
A. one of his shoes
B. vegetable
C. a pair of shoes
D. medicine
19. Why did Peter get sick? Because ….
A. He caught a cold
B. He was eating to much
C. He was so tired
D. He was naughty
20. Whom did Peter meet at the garden?
A. his mother
B. Flopsy
C. Mr. McGregor
D. Mrs. McGregor
The Shepherd’s Boy
A long time ago there was a young shepherd boy who tended his sheep in the steppe near a dark forest.
Its was rather lonely for him all day, so he thought upon a plan by which he could get a little company and some excitement.
He cheated the villagers. He rushed down toward the village calling out ”Wolf, Wolf “and the villagers came out to meet him and some of them stopped with him for considerable time. This pleased the boy so much. It made all of the villager angry.
On the other day he did the same trick, and again the villagers came to help him but there was nothing happened.
But shortly after this a wolf actually came out from the forest, and began to worry the sheep, the boy of course cried out, ”Wolf, Wolf,” louder than before. But this time no one of the villagers went out to help him.
21. What type of text is used by the writer?
a. Narrative d. News items
b. Report e. Exposition
c. Recount
22. We know the characters, time and place of the story in…
a. orientation d. reorientation
b. complication e. events
c. resolution
23. Why didn’t the villagers come and help him when the wolf came out from the forest?
Because they…..
a. believed that he cheated them
b. didn’t want to help him
c. didn’t hear him
d. were naughty
e. were sleeping
24. The word steppe means a large area of…
a. land with trees only
b. land without grass but few trees
c. land with grass a few trees
d. water with a few trees
e. water with a lof of trees
25. What do we learn from the story?
a. People would help us if we often told a lie.
b. People would help us if we really needed it.
c. People would not help us although we asked them.
d. People would not listen to us if we often told a lie.
e. People would not listen to us if we were not polite.
The Lamb and the Wolf
One day the wolf was slaking his thirst at a stream when he chanced to see a lamb, also drinking at some distance down the stream.
Outranged, he growled, “You are muddying my drinking water, now I shall eat you.”
The lamb protested, “But, Sir, how can I be muddying your dinking water? I am Father down stream than you are. The water is flowing from your part of the stream to where I am.
“Upstream or downstream, your drinking is muddying my water, and I shall eat you. “so saying, the wolf leave upon the lamb and devoured him.
26. Where did the story happen?
A. On the river
B. In the forest
C. In the jungle
D. At the zoo
27. The following facts made the wolf get angry with the lamb, except……
A. The lamb muddied the water
B. The wolf wanted to eat the lamb
C. The lamb drank at the same stream
D. The lamb protested him
28. We can learn from the story that …….
A. Never drink the river water
B. Never clean our body on the stream
C. The bad will always beat the good
D. The strong will always rule the weak
Merupakan jenis teks berupa cerita atau dongeng yang bertujuan menghibur pembaca. Konsepnya berupa cerita khayalan atau cerita yang direkayasa. Narrative text bisa berupa dongeng, legenda, mitos, cerita rakyat, dan fabel.
- Orientation : pendahuluan berupa pengenalan tokoh, waktu dan cerita
- Complication/crisis :pemunculan masalah
- Resolution : penyelesaian konflik
- Reorientation : penutup
- Coda : pelajaran yang dapat dipetik
Berikut latihan soal Narrative Text
Choose the best answer!
A long time ago, the ancient land of Sunda was ruled by a king and queen who had but a single daughter. Her name was Dayang Sumbi. She was beautiful and clever but also pampered and spoilted.
One day as she was weaving in her pavilion, she became moody and distracted, which caused her to keep dropping her shuttle on the floor. Once when it fell she exclaimed she would marry the one who gave it back to her. At that very moment her dog Tumang, a demigod possessing magic powers, came up to her with the shuttle in his mouth. Dayang Sumbi had to marry him.
They lived happily together, and Dayang Sumbi gave birth to a baby boy, human in appearance but endowed with his father’s magic powers. She named him Sangkuriang. As the boy grew up, he was always guarded by the faithful dog Tumang, whom he knew only as a companion and not as his father, Sangkuriang became handsome and brave.
One day his mother asked him to go hunting with the dog and bring her venison for a feast. After hunting all day without success, Sangkuriang worried about facing his mother empty-handed. Desperate, he took an arrow and shot the dog. He returned home and handed over the meat to his pleased mother. Soon after the feast, however, Dayang Sumbi questioned her son about the absence of Tumang. At first he evaded her queries but finally told her what had happened. She was horrified and struck her son so hard on his head that he collapsed. For that, the old king banished his daughter from the court and she was made to roam around the kingdom. Sangkuriang recovered with a large scar on his temple, and he too left the court to wander about the world.
Years later, Sangkuriang met a beautiful woman and instantly fell in love with her. It was his own mother-they did not recognize each other. He pro posed to her and she agreed to marry him. On the day before the wedding, as she was caressing her fiancee’s hair, Dayang Sumbi detected the scar on the temple. Horror struck her, for she was about to marry her own son, Sangkuriang. Without revealing the whole truth to him, she tried unsuccessfully to dissuade him. Desperate to avoid the marriage, she set conditions she thought impossible to meet. Sangkuriang had to make a lake that filled the whole valpley and build a boat for the couple to sail in, all before dawn.
Sangkuriang started to work. His love gave him extraordinary strength, and he used his magic powers to summon the spirits to help him. With boulders and mud they dammed the river in the valley and the water rose and began to form a lake. In the early morning hours he chopped down a huge tree in the forest and began hollowing it out to make a boat. When Dayang Sumbi saw that he was about to accomplish what she has thought impossible, she called on the gods to bring the sun up early and thwart Sangkuriang.
The cock crowed, the sun rose much earlier than usual, and Sangkuriang realized he had been deceived. In a fit of fury he caused Dayang Sumbi and kicked the half-finished boat back into the forest. There it lies upside down today, forming the mountain Tangkuban Perahu (Upturned Boat). Not far away is the stump of the tree Sangkuriang had felled, now called Bukit Tinggi. The dam Sangkuriang had built caused the valley to become a lake, where both Sangkuriang and Dayang Sumbi drowned themselves. They were never heard of again.
(taken from All Around Bandung – Gottfrid Roelcke, Gary Crabb).
1. Who was Dayang Sumbi’s husband ?
A. The King
B. Sangkuriang
C. Tumang
D. Her father
2. Why did she marry her dog, Tumang ? because...
A. It was a companion Sangkuriang
B. It was a demigod possessing magic powers
C. She exclaimed to marry one who gave it back her shuttle
D. She detected the scar on the temple
3. Why did Sangkuriang kill his dog ? because....
A. It had married his mother
B. He wanted to take Tumang’s powers
C. He worried about facing his mother empty-handed
D. Sangkuriang loved Dayang Sumbi
4. What did Dayang Sumbi do after she knew about Tumang ?
A. She exclaimed she would marry him
B. She struck her son so hard
C. She asked Sangkuriang to make a lake
D. She kicked the half-finished boat back into the forest
5. Why did Dayang Sumbi avoid to marry Sangkuriang ? because .....
A. Sangkuriang had shot her dog
B. Dayang Sumbi realized that Sanguriang is her son
C. Dayang Sumbi elected the scar on her fiancee’s head
D. Sangkuriang was not a king
6. What did Sangkuriang have to do to mary Dayang Sumbi ?
A. He had to make a lake and built a temple after dawn
B. He had to make a lake and built a boat before dawn
C. He had to make a palace and built a boat before dawn
D. He had to make a lake and built a boat before evening
7. What did Sangkuriang do after he realized that he had been deceived ?
A. He took an arrow and shot Dayang Sumbi
B. He kicked the half-finished boat back into the forest
C. He struck Dayang Sumbi
D. He Chopped down a huge tree in the forest
Two Brothers
Long ago, there were two brothers called Akomi and Ombah. They were ambitious and winning. Akomi, the elder brother, said, "If we become the King's employees, we can make laws to collect more money from the people. We will become very rich."
They went to see King Aruya. Akomi said, "Your Majesty, let us be your ministers. We will make good laws. All your subjects will be happy. I am wise and clever. I know everything."King Aruya said angrily, "That is not true! No body knows everything. For
example, do you know how many stars there are in the sky? Guards! Throw this liar into the river of crocodiles!"
Ombah's hands trembled. Then he thought to himself, "King Aruya will also punish me if I say the wrong thing. My brother said he knew everything and his answer was wrong. So if I say the opposite, my answer will be right." Ombah then said, to King Aruya, "Your majesty, I know nothing.
"King Aruya said, "That is also a lie. Nobody knows nothing, truly! Everybody knows at least something. For example, you know your father's name, don't you? Guards! Throw him into the river of crocodiles, too!"
8. The two brother's ambition was to …...
A. become ministers
B. become rich
C. help the King make good laws
D. make the King's subjects happy
9. King Aruya called Akomi a liar because Akomi …… .
A. knew everything
B. made him angry
C. did not tell the truth
D. wanted to collect money
10. Ombah said I know nothing because he …...
A. thought that the answer would be right
B. did not want to lie to King Aruya
C. wanted to see the crocodiles
D. did not know how many stars there were
11. Ombah's hands trembled because he ……...
A. was afraid
B. knew nothing
C. was thinking hard
D. had the right answer
12. From the story, we can see that King Aruya ……..
A. disliked people who told lies
B. kept many crocodiles
C. could make good laws
D. did not need any ministers
Once upon a time, a rabbit wanted to cross a river but he could not swim. He had an idea. He had an idea. He saw a boss of crocodile swimming in the river. The rabbit asked the boss of crocodile, “How many crocodile are there in the river?” The boss of crocodile answered, we are twenty here.” “Where are they?” the rabbit asked for the second time. “What is it for?” the boss of crocodile asked.
“All of you are good, nice, gentle and kind, so I want to make a line in order. Later I will know how kind you are, “said the rabbit. Then, the boss of crocodile called all his friends and asked them to make a line in order from one side to the other side of the river. Just then, the rabbit started to count while jumping from one crocodile to another: one … two … three … four … until twenty, and finally, he thanked all crocodiles because he had crossed the river.
13. The story mainly tells us about ….
A. Twenty crocodiles
B. The boss of the crocodile
C. A rabbit and twenty crocodiles
D. A rabbit and the boss of crocodile
14. We know from the first paragraph that the rabbit actually wanted …..
A. To swim across the river
B. To meet the boss of crocodile
C. To cross the river
D. To know the number of crocodiles there
15. All of you are good, nice, gentle, and kind …” (paragraph 2)
The underlined word is synonymous with..
A. cheerful
B. diligent
C. honorable
D. easygoing
Once upon a time there were four little rabbits. Their names were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail and Peter. One morning they were allowed to play outside. Their mother reminded them not to go to Mr. McGregor’s garden because their father had an accident there.
Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail were good little rabbits. They went down the lane to pick blackberries. But Peter was naughty. He ran straight away to Mr. McGregor’s garden. He ate some lettuces, French beans, and radishes. Suddenly, he met Mr. McGregor. Peter was very frightened and rushed away as fast as he could. He lost a pair of shoes and a jacket while he was running. Peter never stopped running or looked behind him till he got home. During the evening, he was sick because he was so tired. He had to drink some medicine while three of his brother had bread, mild and blackberries for supper.
16. Who was the naughtiest rabbit ?
A. Flopsy
B. Mopsy
C. Peter
D. Cotton-tail
17. What did Flopsy, Mopsy and Cotton-tail eat?
A. Carrot
B. Lettuce
C. Blackberries
D. strawberry
18. What did Peter lose while he was running?
A. one of his shoes
B. vegetable
C. a pair of shoes
D. medicine
19. Why did Peter get sick? Because ….
A. He caught a cold
B. He was eating to much
C. He was so tired
D. He was naughty
20. Whom did Peter meet at the garden?
A. his mother
B. Flopsy
C. Mr. McGregor
D. Mrs. McGregor
The Shepherd’s Boy
A long time ago there was a young shepherd boy who tended his sheep in the steppe near a dark forest.
Its was rather lonely for him all day, so he thought upon a plan by which he could get a little company and some excitement.
He cheated the villagers. He rushed down toward the village calling out ”Wolf, Wolf “and the villagers came out to meet him and some of them stopped with him for considerable time. This pleased the boy so much. It made all of the villager angry.
On the other day he did the same trick, and again the villagers came to help him but there was nothing happened.
But shortly after this a wolf actually came out from the forest, and began to worry the sheep, the boy of course cried out, ”Wolf, Wolf,” louder than before. But this time no one of the villagers went out to help him.
21. What type of text is used by the writer?
a. Narrative d. News items
b. Report e. Exposition
c. Recount
22. We know the characters, time and place of the story in…
a. orientation d. reorientation
b. complication e. events
c. resolution
23. Why didn’t the villagers come and help him when the wolf came out from the forest?
Because they…..
a. believed that he cheated them
b. didn’t want to help him
c. didn’t hear him
d. were naughty
e. were sleeping
24. The word steppe means a large area of…
a. land with trees only
b. land without grass but few trees
c. land with grass a few trees
d. water with a few trees
e. water with a lof of trees
25. What do we learn from the story?
a. People would help us if we often told a lie.
b. People would help us if we really needed it.
c. People would not help us although we asked them.
d. People would not listen to us if we often told a lie.
e. People would not listen to us if we were not polite.
The Lamb and the Wolf
One day the wolf was slaking his thirst at a stream when he chanced to see a lamb, also drinking at some distance down the stream.
Outranged, he growled, “You are muddying my drinking water, now I shall eat you.”
The lamb protested, “But, Sir, how can I be muddying your dinking water? I am Father down stream than you are. The water is flowing from your part of the stream to where I am.
“Upstream or downstream, your drinking is muddying my water, and I shall eat you. “so saying, the wolf leave upon the lamb and devoured him.
26. Where did the story happen?
A. On the river
B. In the forest
C. In the jungle
D. At the zoo
27. The following facts made the wolf get angry with the lamb, except……
A. The lamb muddied the water
B. The wolf wanted to eat the lamb
C. The lamb drank at the same stream
D. The lamb protested him
28. We can learn from the story that …….
A. Never drink the river water
B. Never clean our body on the stream
C. The bad will always beat the good
D. The strong will always rule the weak
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