Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris UN SMA; Integrated Reading Materials, 40 soal [1]

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris UN SMA

Questions number 1 – 5 refer to the text below

The success of a manager completely depends on his management. In other words we can say that management plays an important role in managing either business organization or social one. The first step of a manager is making a program of what to do achieve the Goal of his work, so planning is the beginning of manager’s work. Then he must analyze and organize the program, divide it into some parts and share them to his staffs. This step is know as organize. After that he must persuade his staffs in anyway to willingly do what they have to do. This is what we call activating. It’s very common that staffs will never work maximally without any supervision, so a manager should control his staff. Controlling is to whether the staffs work in accordance with the program, can reach the target and get a satisfactory result.

1. What dose the paragraph deal with?

a.  managerial steps
b.   Program
c.  manager
d.   Success
e.  business organization

2. The Genre of the text is ______
a.  explanation
b.   recount
c.  report
d.   discussion
e.  procedure

3. The text is  trying _____
a. to describe management the way as it is
b. to inform the readers about important and newsworthy events
c. to describe how to manage a business organization or social organization
d. to persuare the readers to accept his opinions about manager
e. to explain process involved in the process of management

4. According to the text, basically, how many elements does management have ?
a.  two elements
b.   four elements
c.  three elements
d.   five elements
e.  six elements

5. Making staffs work willingly, diligently, and well without being watched by the manager is                called ______
a.  planning
b.   actuating
c.  distributing
d.   controlling
e.  supervising

Questions number 6 – 10 refer to the text below.

There are three reasons why solar energy generation has not developed more rapidly.
First, the cost per watt of solar cell generation is more expensive than that steam power or nuclear power generation. Therefore, researchers are still looking for ways to make solar cells cheaper.
Second, nature plays a large part in solar cell generation. For example, some days are cloudy and rainy; because there is not always fine weather, solar energy cannot be generated every day. No solar energy is generated at night. Consequently, solar cells must have the capacity to store energy for use during these times, and these storage cells are very expensive, As a result, only in low latitude areas can enough solar energy be generated effectively at these times.
Finally, building plants for solar cell generation is extremely expensive. A very large space is needed, and the need for maintenance is constant.
For all these reason, it is very difficult to develop solar plants and make solar cell energy available to the general public for a competitive price. Despite all these problems, I believe the day will come when we use solar energy cells because they are a form of clean energy with no pollution.

6. Efforts have been made to develop solar cell energy because __________
a. it can be Generated at any time
b. it is reversible
c. it is easy to generate
d. it does not cause any pollution
e. it is not costly

7. The development of solar energy for public has been rather slow due to the following, EXCEPT________
a. the nature of solar energy it self
b. the high cost of production
c. the condition of nature
d. the high construction costs of the plant
e. the daily maintenance of the plant.

8. Which of the following statement is TRUE about solar cells?
a. Great progress has been made in the development of solar cell energy.
b. Solar cells can generate and store energy during the night.
c. Unlike solar cell energy, nuclear energy is more expensive to generate.
d. Producing solar energy is quite a profitable business nowadays.
e. Generating solar cell energy greatly depends on the condition of the weather.

9. The author expects that __________
a. effort to develop solar cell energy will be stopped immediately
b. nuclear power will be a better energy alternative
c. solar energy will become popular among consumers
d. the generations of solar cell can be done in lower attitude.

10. The organization of the text above is _______
a. orientation, event, event, event
b. general Statement, explanation, explanation, explanation
c. thesis, argument, elaboration, argument, elaboration, reiteration
d. thesis, argument, elaboration, argument, elaboration, recommendation.
e. Issue, argument, elaboration, argument, elaboration, conclusion / recommendation.

Questions numbers 11 – 15 refer to the text below

The fish are dying in the Adirondack lakes in northern New York State. Fishermen are worried. This used to be a favorite spot for sport fishing. But every year there are fewer fish. Some lakes – 6 % of them ¾ now have no fish at all. Scientists are beginning to get worried too. What is killing the              fish?
The cause of this is acid rain. Acid rain is a kind of air pollution. It is caused by factories that burn coal or oil or gas. These factories send smoke high into the air. The wind often carries the smoke far from the factories. Some of the unhealthy things in the smoke may come down with the rain hundreds of miles away. This is what is happening in the Adirondacks. There are many factories in the Midwestern states. They are sending a lot of smoke into the air. The wind blows the smoke towards the east. That means towards New York State and the Adirondack area.
The rain in the Adirondacks in not natural and clean any more. It is full of acid chemicals. When it falls in lakes, it changes them too. The lakes become more acidic. Acid water I like vinegar or lemon juice. It hurts when it gets in your eyes. It also kills the plants and animals that usually live in Lake water. That is why the fish are dying in the Adirondacks.

11. If water from an acidic lake gets into out eyes, it will.
a. be like vinegar
b. cause blindness
c. clean them
d. be like lemon juice
e. hurt them

12. Which of the following statements is TRUE about acid rain ?
a. Acid rain kills all living things in the Adirondacks
b. Acid rain causes air pollution in northern New York State.
c. Smoke emitted by factories creates poisonous acid rain.
d. Coal, oil or gas increases the level of poison in acid rain.
e. Acid rain carries a lot of smoke hundreds of miles away.

13. The problem that the writer points out in the text is that.
a. Fish has become scarce in the United States
b. There are too many factories in the Midwestern States.
c. Six percent of fish in the Adirondack lakes is dying.
d. The total catch of fish in the Adirondack lakes is decreasing.
e. Many favorite spoors for sport fishing have dried up.

14. The text above is in the form of ______
a. hortatory exposition
b. analytical exposition
c. explanation
d. discussion
e. description

15. What is the communicative purpose of the text?
a. to persuade that acid rain 15 dangerous
b. to retell past events of acid rain in A Adirondacks
c. to explain the process of how / why acid rain is happened in Adirondacks
d. to describe acid rain in Adirondacks
e. to present two point of views about acid rain

Questions number 16 – 18 refer to the following advertisement

This new and unusual building in the downtown business district offers unique opportunities for small to midsized tenants to occupy an entire floor.


From 1,600 to 6,000 square feet are available for immediate occupancy
Commuting is easy with the subway stop only one block away. It’s convenient to shops, restau rants, hotels, and business services.

For leasing information call
303 – 572 - 5947

16. What is this advertisement for
a. renting office space
b. buying a building
c. starting a business
d. staying at a hotel
e. selling of houses

17. How soon are the suites available
a. when the building is finished
b. next month
c. next week
d. right now
e. tomorrow

18. What is not mentioned as being close to building
a. Parks
b. Shopping
c. Hotels
d. Restaurant
e. Business Services

Questions 19 – 20 refer to the following memo

To : Miss Caroline smith
From : Sales Manager
Subject : Market Research
Date : Februarry 10th, 2009

Please carry out our program of  “market Research” for Surabaya on February 22nd to 28th to see how high is the demand on our bew product. Out sales representative, Mr. Negel Burk, has to stay I the hospital for two weeks because of liver problem. You have to do this work although you are a staff of Public relation.

19. Actually, whose work is Market Research ?
a. Miss Coroline’s
b. Sales manager’s
c. Sales representative’s
d. Staff of Public Relation’s
e. Head of the company’s

20. What is the use of Market Research
a. To find out the amount of people who need new product
b. To see the date and month of production
c. To know Mr Burk’s liver trouble
d. To represent Mr. Nigel Burk
e. To Promote their new product.

21. About ten of Earth’s land area or nearly 5.8 million square miles _____ by glacial ice.
a. are covered
b. had covered
c. to be covered
d. had covered
e. is covered

22. She ____ the shoes for five minutes when one of the heels came off.
a. am only wearing
b. have only been wearing
c. was only wearing
d. only wore
e. had only been wearing

23. The floor ___ since yesterday
a. has not swept
b. not be sweeping
c. are not being swept
d. has not been swept
e. are not sweeping

24. The women’s institute, an international women organization, has demonstrated over the decade ______ to challenging needs of woman.
a. whether it has been able to adapt
b. when is it able to adapt
c. which it has been able to adapt
d. why is it able to adapt
e. how it has been able to adapt

25. Asih     :  which girl are you talking about ?
Ina      : The one _____ yesterday. She promised to continue the discussion tomorrow evening.
a. who had a nice talk with us
b. that she didn’t recognize us
c. whose father is your uncle
d. who didn’t say hello to us
e. whom you helped.

26. The man sitting next to Denj said “Do you mind ______ ?”
a. smoking
b. smoke
c. to smoke
d. my smoking
e. be smoking

27. Walking home, ______
a. A noise frightened the little girl
b. The little girl frightened the noise
c. The noise was frightened by the girl
d. The Girl was frightened by the noise
e. The girl was frightening

28. ‘How was your test ?’
‘Not very good. I _____ much better if I had not misread the directions for the last section.’
a. might do
b. must have done
c. should do
d. could have done
e. would do

29. ‘You look tired. Why don’t you take a rest ?
‘I wish ____ ; I still have to finish this report’
a. I can
b. I will be able
c. I could
d. I had been able
e. I were talking a rest

30. “What’s that noise upstairs?”
“ The school _________”
a. Has to renovate its second – floor classrooms
b. has already renovated its second o floor classrooms
c. Is having its second – floor classrooms renovated
d. will have to renovated its second – floor classrooms
e. has had to renovate its second – floor classrooms.

31. The Egyptian and Sumerians _________
Copper as early as 5, 000 years
Before Christ.
a. were using
b. having used
c. may have used
d. using
e. had better used

32. Being a government official, he does not earn much but he _____________
a. lives in poverty
b. is very dedicated
c. is never happy
d. is not satisfied
e. is frequently absent

33. All the members of the parliament applauded ______ the president was walking to his seat.
a. so that
b. although
c. even if
d. as soon as
e. while

34. “Have you finished writing your final paper? “
“Not quite”
From the dialog we may conclude that the paper______
a. is ready to be submitted
b. still has to be published
c. is rejected by the examiners
d. still needs revising
e. is to be presented in a seminar

35. “Let’s go to the education fair tomorrow :
‘_______________, but I’m afraid I can’t;
a. You should tell me
b. I readlly wish I could
c. That’ s fine with me
d. I might go
e. That’s a good idea

Much has been made of the benefits of oil derived from fish. It is claimed that people with a diet rich in fish oil have a greatly reduced chance of heart disease and arteriosclerosis. _________ it has been shown conclusively that people _____ from the elevated fatty substances in the blood react positively to treatment using fish oils. The advantages of fish soil became _______ after studies of the diet of the Eskimo people of Greenland were carried out some two decades ago. It was found that th Eskimo with their ______ diet seal, whale and artic fish-a diet very high in fat-suffered practically no heart disease, had a near zero incidence of diabetes and enjoyed a/an ______ low rate of rheumatoid arthritis.

36. a. Therefore
b. In conclusion
c. Nevertheless
d. In addition
e. However

37. a. preventing
b. keeping
c. resulting
d. suffering
e. holding

38. a. apparent
b. important
c. critical
d. impossible
e. questionable

39. a. traditional
b. adoptable
c. influential
d. respectable
e. potential

40. a. compare
b. comparison
c. comparative
d. compared
e. comparatively

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Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Drugs Abuse among Teenagers. Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb The Honorable the Juries and participants ...